View Full Version : chest pain

31-05-09, 14:28
i ve tihis all my life, what is this, my chest hurts when i press on it, the whole chest felt pain i don't know why, it is tight and painful whne i press, my hed also feel cold. what is all this? how to stop, i put hot waterbag on my chest.

31-05-09, 14:54

Have you spoken to your doctor about this?

I read once that although sometimes we think it helps to put a hot water bag/ bottle on to an erea that is painfull, it's not a great thing to do as it draws the pain to the surface and can make it feel worse. I don't know if it's true of not but it was written by a doctor and makes sense to me.

Hope you feel better soon

31-05-09, 18:54
have you been to drs yet alba about all your symptoms?they are really the only ones who can reassure you hope you feel better soon
