View Full Version : First time here.....

31-05-09, 17:41
Hi Everyone

I am actually sitting at home having a panic attack and thought I would go online to distract myself and found this website!
I cant believe I have found it, its such a relief.
I started having attacks, completely out of the blue, 2 years ago and was very quickly diagnosed with acute Panic Disorder! Went on CBT but only for 10 weeks, didnt really think it worked and now my attacks have come back and I cant help but think I am the one to blame.
Its awful. Feel I should go back for more CBT but cant afford it privately and dont want my work to know.

Dont know what to do except to just walk around listening to Aine Turburdy CD on my ipod and people thinking i am weird.

Anyway, nice to be on here anyhow. Hope to get chatting to some of you.


31-05-09, 18:52
Hi Antoinette

Glad you found this forum, it has helped me out personally so hope you see the same.
Did you used to get attacks when you did the CBT?
I guess you can get the CBT on the NHS buy not sure how long it will be to you start as i'm private myself but i would look into it as i feel CBT is really effective for anxiety condionts like yours. Are you on any medication also?


01-06-09, 01:10
Hello Antoinette, Welcome to NMP, lots of help advice and understanding here glad you found us , your not to blame for having panic disorder i dont think your weird at all , have a look in the NMP shop for free downloads of claire weekes self help , you find lots of good information h ere and your not alone feeling like this , take care:welcome: d x :flowers:

01-06-09, 21:16
Hi Johnny

Thanks for your reply.
No, not on any medication for it, really dont want to go down that route.
Was on CBT through the NHS but just dont think it helped much, I dont know.
I dont know how expensive it is to go private and how long I will need? Ahhhh!!
Anyway, like everyone, I have good days and bad. Lets hope its more good ones. Cheers. A

01-06-09, 21:17
Cheers for the replies folks.
Ive got all the books and more on the whole thing. Been researching it for ages. Feel like a right expert but sadly cant work the magic on myself! ha!

Has anyone tried hypnotherapy?

02-06-09, 10:45
I also Glad to see you here, it has helped me out personally so hope you see the same.I also feel CBT is really effective for anxiety condionts like yours.