View Full Version : magneseum???

31-05-09, 18:02
anyone take magneseum...how much and did it help?

31-05-09, 19:23
help what?

31-05-09, 19:25
its on the natural remedy page, it is recommended for many things including twitches, etc. caused by unmanaged stress, anxiety, and obviously magneseum deficiency.

31-05-09, 19:27

I have bought some with calcium as I was recommended you take it with calcium, will start taking it tommorow. I will let you know as I heard it is good for head zaps and shaking.

Sharona x

31-05-09, 19:33
please let me know how it goes for you. maybe i will buy some that also contains calcium.

01-06-09, 19:51

I will, try Holland and Barratts, thats where I got mine from.

Sharona x

02-06-09, 02:32
I take it to decrease heart palpitations. Which it certainly does, and having less palps has certainly decreased my anxiety. I take 200mg Magnesium citrate twice a day (for 5 months now).

02-06-09, 03:27
Magnesium has long been considered "nature's tranquilizer". I don't know if it has helped me because I actually never tried it. I heard a lot about l-theanine, worth googling. Magnesium can have a laxative effect and I have IBS so it probably wouldn't be the best thing for me.

02-06-09, 18:48
Hi All

I started taking Mannesium and calcium chelate today. I will let you know how I get on.



02-06-09, 20:37
i have been taking it only a week, haven't noticed any changes yet, but i am going ot stick with it for a while. i have been taking 500 mg a day, i also ordered some valerian to take before bed. on the magnesium bottle it says that it helps to transport calcium and is essential for proper bone mineralization, in addition magnesium is also involved in muscle contractions and nerve impulses.

02-06-09, 20:45
Yes, I had been taking magnesium all through my teenage years - and it did take care of most of my anxiety then. And it makes me feel much better even now. I´d say - go for it. It helps the "lump in the throat", palpitation and cramps. And it helps me sleep a bit better,

02-06-09, 21:07
i have always taken it, esp. when going through a peiod of intense anxiety. It sure helps me take the edge off. The Citrate version tends to give you the runs, so i take just magensium/calciam combo which is readily available in H & B

24-03-10, 18:03
i have heard that magnesium is good for preventing migraines?

24-03-10, 18:20
hi guys

i got my chemical blood results back from the doctor today and as far as she is concerned my magnesium levels are fine, so are the potassium ( calcium is low but have posted a thread about it ).

If my levels are fine is there any point in taking magnesium, am only asking cos someone put that it reduces the palps which i would love to be able to do xx