View Full Version : Not really new here but...

31-05-09, 19:05
I thought I should introduce myself. My name is Graham and I registered here over a year ago but in all that time i have posted very little. I have suffered with GAD and social anxiety for as long as i can remember and as I am now 48, that is a long time. In the last two years my symptoms and experiences have worsened significantly and as a result I have lost my job and the majority of my friends. I have great difficulty in meeting people both people i know and those i don't - can't use public transport and find any situation with people extremely stressful.

Unfortunately, my anxieties seem to extend to online situations as well and I find it so difficult to 'join in' as much as i would love too. It is taking me most of the day to send this but I am determined to do so.

I have had 2 courses of CBT which was has been successful to a degree and have been on several meds eg Citalopram and Lofepamine with mixed results and now I am just beginning with Velafaxine as I am still having a grim time with things.

Having a pretty bad day today - could be the introduction of the new meds - but anxiety is sky high - I want to go and enjoy the sun in my garden but can't bring myself to do it as my neighbours are out too - sounds daft doesn't it?

So making the most of my time indoors by writing this - so hello to you all and sorry for rambling on so much and thanks to the many people who have posted advice which I have taken in the past but been too nervous to reply and say 'thanks'


01-06-09, 01:32
Hello Graham , Welcome back to NMP , glad to have you back , well done for doing your post , i can understand abit about how you feel , your new medication could be giving you higher anxiety but remember it will not long until it helps you , your not alone , hope everything gets abit easier for you , take care:welcome: d x :flowers:

02-06-09, 23:23
Thanks for the kind welcome :)

I think the chat room is a step too far at the moment but i hope to get more involved as this seems such a friendly and helpful place.


02-06-09, 23:32
Welcome back Graham,Hope your side effects dont last too long, and you feel better soon.Youll find lots of friendly support here to help you until then.Take care Sue:welcome: x