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View Full Version : need a bit of advice so scared.

31-05-09, 20:12
Hello all,
for the past few months i have very bad chest arm and back pain.
I had lots of blood tests and had to have some more last week for lupus and inflamation markers.
Last night i had a very big painic attack and my neighbour came and sat with me i was convisinsed i was going to have a haeart attack.
Today i have been in badpain.

Can anyone give me advice please?

31-05-09, 20:23

A friend of mine had symptoms like this, she had a trapped nerve. I hope you feel better soon x

31-05-09, 20:25
Sounds like something with your nerves and muscles - hope it can be solved simply by a physical therapist. Good luck :)

lisa chandler
31-05-09, 20:59
i have these symptoms i went 2 the doctor and they refered me 2 the hospital 4 suspected carpal tunnel symdrome

01-06-09, 10:48
when I take a deep breath 2 ribs down on my left side it hursts and my left arm and sholders hurt.

01-06-09, 12:10
I had this same problem. In fact one day it was that bad I couldn't even get out of bed with the pain and I was like that for 2 days. It turned out that I had damaged the ligaments in my shoulder from lifting at work (I was a community carer). I had the same pain you speak of and the pain was worse on intake of breath. This doesnt happen with heart trouble. I would say this is muscle, nerve or ligament related. See your GP for peace of mind x