View Full Version : Endo, anyone have this?

31-05-09, 20:52
I am seeing gynae a week on Monday regarding a polyp my GP wants me to have removed. I am having very very painful ovulation and periods (just the first 24-48 hrs), I can cope with the AF pain using pain relief but it is the terrible wind/ibs pain I get, it is like someone is stabbing me up my bum (sorry tmi) with a poker and like I need to pass wind the size of a football, god its awful. I saw my GP about this a month ago and he just prescibed neurofen and said I should think about going on the pill.

I was talking to a friend and she said it could be endo, I don't really know much about this and how it is treated, can anyone tell me abit about it and do my symptoms sound like endo? I want to mention this to gynae but would like to know abit about it before I do and I won't use Dr Googlehttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/wink.gif

Other than those 2 times of the month my IBS just leaves me windy, after most meals I am gassy/trapped wind which can be very painful at times and prevents me sleeping if I have heartburn aswell. It is only the kind of stabbing/passing a football type pain during ovulation and af.:D

31-05-09, 22:33
this is the same problem as my own although i am sorry i dont know what endo is? i have endometriosis, it is really really sore, the doc wanted to put me on the pill but there is a risk of cancer so that was a no for me.

i take senekot 1 a day at the time of my periods it helps loads and i also just changed my diet which has really helped with the pains but have made my periods go all over the place.

if its edometriosis that you think you have you will be givin a lacroscpy and will know for sure.
keep in touch let me know how you get on on monday. x

31-05-09, 23:14
Yes sorry i mean endometreosis. What is the test they do like and how is it treated?


01-06-09, 10:43
they put you to sleep and fill you with gas put a small camera in your belly, you are in surgery for about 20 mins, while they check your ovarys and womb and that,
they are small cists, thats why it is so sore when you ovulate but they can drain them when you get the lacaproscy.
they say its hard for you to concieve but i have to lovely girls, so no to cases are the same.
i dont know what treatment there is i have painkillers or you could go on the pill to stop ovulating or bad cases, hyserectamy.

but all your symptoms are the same as mine.

i dont know if you eat healthy but the last few weeks when i changed my diet has really helped

soooo sorry about the spelling!!!:blush:

01-06-09, 22:29

Do you have symptoms like me at all? the wind type pains during ovulation and period? its pure agony. I could cope with period pains but not the stabbing wind pains, they are terrible but only last the first 24 hours??

I am abit scared of the thought of having the lap done, I am sure gynae will say that is what is needed if they suspect endo.

02-06-09, 04:43

I am going through chronic pelvic pain at the moment, I get a stabbing pain around my bum area, its so uncomfortable. I get bloating, wind, all of those things. I am panicking about it so much at the moment.

I wonder if I have endometriosis, i am going to a pelvic clinic for further investigations today.

PM me if you need to

02-06-09, 10:12
yeah these are all symptoms i have,
i thought it was cancer i had.
but if you tell them all your symptoms they will know,
make sure you write them down so you dont miss any out.

its funny how they only last 24hrs isint it i am in pure agony and in the morning wake up fine.
really bad periods and then 2 weeks later when you ovulate its never ending

i was really frightened gettin the lap done i cried the whole time, but it was not bad atall and the doctors and nurses put you at so much ease its just our anxiety and pa. it is no problem.