View Full Version : Headaches are so much better...

31-05-09, 22:09
I just wanted to write a post to say how much better my headaches are. I've suffered from headaches all over my head for about 6 months and the anxiety it caused brought on many other symtoms.

As a seasoned HA sufferer I knew deep down it was going to be ok. I finally got the courage to go to the doctor who game me an inhaler for sinus problems which helped a bit but also referred me to the osteopath. I've been twice now (although it's 3 weeks between appointments, NHS) and it really helps. He seems to think nearly all headaches are a result of muscular problems. I have to improve my posture and of course the anxiety causes all sort of tensions in the muscles.

He gives a massage around my neck and he does acupuncture on my neck and back and the results are amazing. I'm not totally free of headaches yet but I'd say 80-90% better.

If anyone's struggling with headaches and can't shake them, I'd highly recommend a good osteopath.

Hope this helps some people and gives people reassurance that it won't be brain tumour (as I of course convinced myself).

Good Luck


01-06-09, 10:03
That is awesome to hear Tom. I get alot of pressure round the nape of my neck and shoulders and I am sure it is stress and bad posture. Hmm..this is something to think about! xxxxxxx All the best
Amy xxxxx

11-06-09, 19:27
I'm sure that this is the problem for a lot of people. Headaches are probably the most popular symptom on this and many other websites and it does all seem to make sense. We carry our anxiety in our muscles and this tension has many knock-on effects.

I hope this is a help to you Amy and to others.
