View Full Version : amitiptyline worry

stevie boy
01-06-09, 02:06
hi every long time no see iv got a problem ever since November last year
iv had these pains in my tummy that come and go though the day with some diarrhea it got to the point this year around about feb time that i thought enuff is enuff and went to the doctors at 1st they said its ibs and give me some pills and sent me on my way but they didnt help so i went back then they triend blood tests stool samples the works all came back normal but the pain was still there now they have put me on amitiptyline to take at night its calmed down the pains but they havent gone away now ever since iv been taking the amitiptyline i have this runny nose all the time and my glads are always sore can anyone help ???


01-06-09, 09:03
I believe these are the sideeffects of the drug,
but if it relieved the pain for you it worked.

Take care

01-06-09, 09:22
I take Amitriptyline, 10 mg at night for pain relief. The side effect I get is dry mouth, not heard of getting a runny nose with it. It also does help with pain.

Do u suffer from hay fever or have problems with your sinuses?

Have you been taking this since Feb? I would say out of suggestion go and see your doctor or speak to a pharmacist. There could well be a simple explanation for your runny nose, or that it is a side effect from taking this drug.
