View Full Version : scared about these symptoms

01-06-09, 02:17
hi everyone i feel i have had a really bad two days with my HA i just wish it would go away!!! i had to get a deep root cleaning on my teeth this past week and yesterday and today under my chin hurts when i touch it almost like my skin is bruised and it has been making me very very anxious and my throat feels the same way...also my stomache and my sides and ribs feel very sore im just really freakin out i know i shouldnt be but i cant help it :weep: does anyone know what this could be ?? i would really feel better with some advice ....thanks

01-06-09, 02:35
what is a deep root cleaning?

01-06-09, 02:52
i wish i knew i think its like a regular tooth cleaning just more intense because i had a gum infection...