View Full Version : help maybe anaemia

01-06-09, 04:26
pls help me could i have anaeimia, becos i am feeling so dizzy, light headed, no strenght.what should i do, i hv heavy periods last 4mths. could it be that?

01-06-09, 12:43
as I said before alba... you would need a blood test to check for anaemia. have you requested on from your doctor?

01-06-09, 13:25
Don't worry Alba, anaemia in women is extremely common!!

As xfilme said, to get conformation on it being anaemia, would be to get a simple, quick, easy blood test, which will be able to tell you whether you have anaemia or not.

It's very easy to fix, the doc will prescribe iron tablets to you and he'll either tell you to take 1/2 every day.

But also remember, it's quite easy to pick up iron tablets from your local pharmacy, if you have a wee chat with the pharmacist, they should be able to give you iron tablets which are just as good as the doctor would prescribe, getting these may be an idea as you could trial run them for about 2 weeks or a month, and then see if your symptoms improve.

So don't worry, either way you will be fine, just eat more liver and spinach lol.

Lots of love and hugs,

Chrissy x

01-06-09, 13:34
Don't worry Alba, anaemia in women is extremely common!!

As xfilme said, to get conformation on it being anaemia, would be to get a simple, quick, easy blood test, which will be able to tell you whether you have anaemia or not.

It's very easy to fix, the doc will prescribe iron tablets to you and he'll either tell you to take 1/2 every day.

But also remember, it's quite easy to pick up iron tablets from your local pharmacy, if you have a wee chat with the pharmacist, they should be able to give you iron tablets which are just as good as the doctor would prescribe, getting these may be an idea as you could trial run them for about 2 weeks or a month, and then see if your symptoms improve.

So don't worry, either way you will be fine, just eat more liver and spinach lol.

Lots of love and hugs,

Chrissy x

Iron tablets from a health shop are massively different from prescriptions of ferrous sulfate iron tablets. You would have to eat about a bottle a day of health shop tablets to match the quantity of iron in a prescription ferrous sulphate tablet. In fact soon Codex are capping the upper limit of over the counter vitamin supplements so that the only way they will have ANY effect is to get them on prescription.

01-06-09, 13:42
If you re-read my post, you will notice that I said to ask the pharmacist, and I did not mention ANYTHING about 'Health shops'.

I got Ferrous sulphate tablets equal to the ones I would get on prescription - I would know this as I have a tub of ones from the doc and a tub of ones from the Pharmacist.

Therefore, it's pretty logical in my opinion to go to the pharmacist for advice about iron tablets if you're too scared for a blood test.

01-06-09, 17:46
In that case I apologise. I went to my local pharmacist re iron supplements and was told that no iron supplement non prescription would be even vaguely in the same league as the strength of prescription ferrous sulfate. This being due to the fact that people taking high dose (to the equivalent of the ferrous sulphate on prescription) can actually result in a depletion of other vitamins due to the over consumption of iron. I am sorry for assuming Scotland regulations were the same as those in england, but I am yet to find anywhere... and I have looked hard that will give me 500mg ferrous sulfate tablets. If you find somewhere that gives this strenth over the counter I would be very interested to know as I have a better knowledge of iron deficiency than my doctor and he will not give another prescription because the paper states my levels are within normal ranges, even though they dropped from the upper to lower end, and therefore resulted in a personal deficiancy to my body's "normal levels".

Please do not be offended by my response, only many people assume that basic multivitamins with an rda of 100% is sufficient in treating the likes of either of anaemia or iron deficiency... without having to have a blood test.

Sorry if you took my comment the wrong way, I am more concerned with the capping of the upper limits, which means as of the end of this year, the supplements availible to us will probably be no better than a placebo.

My anger is directed at the system... and not you. Sorry if you took it that way. x

02-06-09, 20:34
I had severe anaemia due to heavy periods. I was treated and am now better. I think you really should have the blood test. It's the only way to be sure. It's not a good idea to just self diagnose yourself.

03-06-09, 10:04
yeah doctor just call me the nurse say come quick doctor need to review you, your HB is low , doc may ned to give u iron. i don't believe it ,, low blood can cos me to have such bad dizziness, tiredness, heart beat fast, just walk a bit my heart beat so fast and worst drowsy. how can having low blood count cos me so much ;rpblemb

03-06-09, 10:19
Yes it can make you feel awful - very tired and light headed. But with the right medication it will improve quite quickly. Rest as much as you can while you feel like this. There are a number of foods that you can eat to help too. Liver, Beetroot and Molasses I remember but if you look on internet you will find everything you need to know or ask your doctor.

03-06-09, 11:17
Yep it can knock you out, i was so very tired and lethargic, couldnt concentrate and felt generally unwell, my hb was 7 and iron 4 so was quite low i take prescribed ferrous sulphate 3 times a day and go tomorrow to get my results to see how it is now. so yes anaemia can do lots of things to you. my colleague had a count of 2 and was taken to hospital and now has iron injections and is back at work, my doc gave me 5 weeks off to have a rest as im in a very stressful job.
hope your okay

03-06-09, 11:21
In that case I apologise. I went to my local pharmacist re iron supplements and was told that no iron supplement non prescription would be even vaguely in the same league as the strength of prescription ferrous sulfate. This being due to the fact that people taking high dose (to the equivalent of the ferrous sulphate on prescription) can actually result in a depletion of other vitamins due to the over consumption of iron. I am sorry for assuming Scotland regulations were the same as those in england, but I am yet to find anywhere... and I have looked hard that will give me 500mg ferrous sulfate tablets. If you find somewhere that gives this strenth over the counter I would be very interested to know as I have a better knowledge of iron deficiency than my doctor and he will not give another prescription because the paper states my levels are within normal ranges, even though they dropped from the upper to lower end, and therefore resulted in a personal deficiancy to my body's "normal levels".

Please do not be offended by my response, only many people assume that basic multivitamins with an rda of 100% is sufficient in treating the likes of either of anaemia or iron deficiency... without having to have a blood test.

Sorry if you took my comment the wrong way, I am more concerned with the capping of the upper limits, which means as of the end of this year, the supplements availible to us will probably be no better than a placebo.

My anger is directed at the system... and not you. Sorry if you took it that way. x

hi , i normally work as a dispenser in a pharmacy and u can by ferrous sulphate with out a prescription and yes it the same one as many of my customer get on prescription

03-06-09, 12:46
oh and a post note.

i bought my first tablets ferrous from the pharmacy until i could see my gp, that was on the advice of the emergency gp as i said i pay for my prescriptions, worked out my own gp worked it out and gave me 3 months on one prescription so it didnt cost as much! good one.


03-06-09, 14:15
doc gave me FBC VITAMIN

03-06-09, 18:19
which pharmacies sell it do you know? I know that mine doesnt. Also, do you know how much it is roughly? Thank you for your imput. I tried everywhere to get it but it was not available. My cousin is extremely anaemic. She was given a prescription of ferrous sulfate about 3 months ago and has been told ever since that the company supplying it are out of stock and it hasnt been back in since. She has been told also that there is nowhere else you can buy it to the strength of prescription.

06-06-09, 09:31
can you pls help me, i was diagnosed on thursday that i am having low hb maybe anaemia, i took from Wednesday to today (saturday) the tablets that doc gave me (FB ..) but i still got this tiredness, weakness and sleepy feelng, why. when will i be ok. doctor will review me this monday to give me iron, why is it iron and FB is not the same. pls help. i hate this feeling for so drowsy, sleepy, tired and weak. Just now i wake up and do washing of my toilets, i scrub all the dirt, suddenly i felt my heart beating very fast, and i feel so weak and tired, so i got to stop and lie down, i feel so so sick and useless and invalid . what is happening to me. now i feel so so sleepy.

07-06-09, 21:06
It usually takes about a month to start really feeling any better.... but it depends on how anaemic you are to be honest. Some poeple it takes a long long time as it takes a fair old time to become anaemic... so it takes a long time to correct. Just trust the tablets, you will make progress. I have been trying to correct mine since January. I only now feel semi normal again and thats 6 months later, but it could be a lot faster or longer for you, all down to circumstances x

08-06-09, 06:29
hi, i got back my full blood rcount result, it showed my Haemoglobin is 9.6L (normal - 11.5-16.0), and my platelets is high -425 H (normal-150-400) RBC -4.38 (normal-3.80-5.40), remarks:majority of rbcs appear moderatley hypochromic andmicrocyic, elongated cells and poikilocytes are present.
i am taking iron tablets and i will hv to repeat blood test 2 weeks time. hope i get better, i guess that is the reason why i got giddy, dizzy, heart beat fast, nausea, headache, depression. do u think so?