View Full Version : Still losing weight. Help!

01-06-09, 09:30
I'm worried sick. I have lost about a stone and a half. I wasn't eating at all for ages so I understood that. Then I had a better spell when I was eating well again. At the moment I'm not eating a lot but thought it was enough to at least keep weight steady, but I have lost another 3 pounds in a week. So frightenend that I have cancer or something.:ohmy: Can you lose weight with awful anxiety even if you are eating? Please can someone reassure me. :weep:

01-06-09, 09:43
Thanks Bev!
I have decided to go along tomorrow.
My daughters are coming this week and they havn't seen me for months. I know they are going to be shocked. People saying how thin I am makes me even more frightenend. I used to want to lose weight, now I am without trying it's scary.

01-06-09, 09:46
i've been ill with anxiety and worry because my dad is in hospital sweety and even if you are eating, a little,adrenaline running through you just causes your body all sorts of chaos.

i've seenme lose nearly a stone in a week due to anxiety,worry,stress etc.

01-06-09, 09:54
Sorry about your dad. It's so hard when a parent is ill, I know.
I just keep thinking what will happen if I go on getting thinner and thinner? Eating is hard but I try to eat more in the evening when I sometimes feel a bit better. Maybe if I knew it wasn't anyrhing serious I wouldn't worry so much.

01-06-09, 10:00
Thanks hun,just have to wait and see what happens at hospital today..but well,I know for me sometimes if my appetite is haywire,anxiety is usually a massive part of it..do youhave sickness in your tummy? and then sometimes even for a brief second maybe want to try eat something but you can't face it? this is what happens with me. Are you stressed about anything particular apart from the not eating that could contribute to your loss of appetite?

I am sure if you tried to forget(i know that is so easy to say) your appetite would slowly come back and you would gain your weight back no probs. D'you remember Cheryl Cole? Look at that poor girl when she lost all the weight with the stress with her marriage scandal? Granted she has kept it off but you know what celebs are like? she wa shardly eating anything etc. Please believe me when I say I am sure it is anxiety making you drop it.

Us girls are so contradictory all the same..we always want to lose a pound here and there and then when we do we worry so!xxx

01-06-09, 10:16
Thank you Wee-Mee.
You are probably right and it is only the anxiety. Yes, I know what you mean about wanting to eat for a second then suddenly you can't. I don't have pain.
I hope you get good news at the hospital today. I will be thinking and praying for you.x