View Full Version : Big Step Backwards

01-09-05, 11:05
Hi I have been feeling particularly bad lately with disturbing reoccuring thoughts and sleep deprevation. So I decided to go and see the GP. I don't trust doctors at all: Everything is either black or white with them. He picked up on that a little bit and said if I have come for help I must take it. He said I suffered from cluastophobia and it does affect the subconcious = Lack of sleep etc. This has made sense as a lot of my problems have started with situations that involved a small space and thus I have felt overwhelmed and out of control. I told him I wasn't intersted in antidepressents as he said he wanted to change my medication to something else. He told me he wasn't going to prescribe antidepressants and prescribed a drug I never heard of: Anafranil. Well I now read that they are antidepressants but I'm not depressed!!! I'm in a write tiz as I'm afraid to take them, especially as I start work again next week. I have always subscribed to the fact that drugs cannot solve a problem and have prided myself on sorting it myself.



01-09-05, 11:31
Hi Tulip

Anafranil is certainly an antidepressant albeit not an SSRI which is the norm these days. Its is well known for being good for obsessive states

I would have thought some thought/talk therapy would have been another form of help that he didn't offer but could of done so. You could return and wave the NICE guidleines at him which state this clearly - you can find them on our 'Finding help' page


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-09-05, 11:41
He did offer the councillor but I cannot go because it is in work time and in my line of work - I am not allowed to take any time off during the week (due to the nature of the job) - thus I have long holidays. I enjoy my job and want to keep it. I wish the doctor admitted that they were antidepressants while I was there and reassured me instead of avaiding the issue by not telling me. I have had therapy before but to me it didn't seem to help.


01-09-05, 17:53

If you don't want to take the meds then you don't have to but then you need to do it alone and lots of us do but it can be hard work.

If you can't get time off work for CBT or other counselling then why not try the No Panic recovery group. It involves an hour long telephone conversation and best of all it is free and is done in the evenings. Just a thought - thay may help you get back on the road to recovery.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

Sue K with 5
02-09-05, 02:03
Hi tulip

The CBT could be the answer for you, it is supposed to really help and you cant go onlike this trying to deal with this on your own

Take Nics advise and try to find out how you can do the telephone CBT recovery course

Take care

sue with 5


02-09-05, 09:32
Hi Tulip,
I agree with Nic, i did a CBT course for health anxiety and it helped me more than anything else, it showed me a new way of thinking, and was the best thing that i have done.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

02-09-05, 11:48
Thankyou for caring!!!!!!! It never gets or feels easier - it dosen't mater how much experience or how many times you have been through it. I had a good evening out last night and was glad to see my sense of humour had not deserted me. Laughter and talking to friends is the best medicine - I don't think pills can help you on their own

I am trying to remain as active as possible.................

I have decided to take the medication after getting some professional outside advice away from my usual doctor. I took my first pill and felt sick some hours afterwards. Apparently it gets better after that. I would like to take advice on theraphy. I was thinking of doing it even when I felt well. I will be reciving a NMP pack in the post after speaking to a nice lady on the helpline who put me straight. I learned a lot about this site.

Onwards and upwards as they say or Tally Ho even.:)


02-09-05, 12:16
Hi Tulip

Glad you had a good evening out and I hope the meds help you.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

02-09-05, 13:03
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
I will be reciving a NMP pack in the post after speaking to a nice lady on the helpline who put me straight. I learned a lot about this site.

Onwards and upwards as they say or Tally Ho even.:)


<div align="right">Originally posted by tulip123 - 02 September 2005 : 11:48:08</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


Just to clear something up - No Panic are nothing to do with this website and forum which is called NoMorePanic.

I always recommend people contact them, however, as they are a charity and have far more resources (and money) than we do to run telephone recovery etc.

I am glad that they are going to send you some info.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

03-09-05, 19:16
Hi. Thought I'd tell you I would get a second opinion on meds and this second doctor - prescribed prozac which I know nothing about. He wanted me to switch to it after 2 days to counter the ill effects of the Anafranil and Beta Blockers. He told me whatever I do not to stop taking Anafranil even after a few doses. After missing one dose I have started again. Over the last few days I have felt rock bottom (with a break from the missed dose). I woke up in the middle of the night from a living nightmare and thought I would need to go to hospital (Then I calmed down with the breathing exercises I have been taught), convincing myself the world was not ending as we know it). I have decided to stay on the Anafranil as orginally prescribed. I'm so confused, everyone seems to have a different opinion on the matter.

Question: Does this low period with all the side effects last and do anidepressants actually help.