View Full Version : drugs/moneynothing separates!

01-09-05, 15:03
a story by a lady 2days ago prompted this topic re: new med`n/adverse reactions-dr/hosp` knew i ws an alcoholic-3bottles scotch/++a day-NOT proud-cost me MUCH more than money-18+yrs now-2glasses wine 4 evining-woke up one morning-metapho` thought-idiot! enough is enough!-----thats more than lucky!!
yet i was put on tuinal/pheno60`s/epilim and epanutin-all at once-never had a fit/seizure in my life-never used to get drunk!!
all dr`s give you 28days supply of ??-knowing side effects-if anything you bought was not in order you wouldn`t buy-yet licenses are granted-MONEY-to drug companies-KNOWING that their product is faulty!
sorry so long winded-had to get off chest-plus opinions?-
we are big brothers legal junkies which i resent as do i the label!trevor


01-09-05, 15:09
hello Trevor,

You can tell us a bit more about yourself and your situation right here by repluing to this post if you'd like..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

01-09-05, 17:11
in reply to yours-here goes-i lived in east end london for many years at same time working on south side of river-HAD to skip puberty-survival plus people i was connected to-one of my sister-in -laws married into another "family"-made quick move to 2nd wife/yorkshire-re: my 3rd wife-pms++/money grabber-had own business-but being of my age ending up on a bradford council estate-well i had business on the estates so made sense to be on top-problems-just round corner-sorted b4 next day!
but not a picnic!
guess this is start re: my present situation:
my daughter by my 2nd wife turned up out of blue with grandson-she stayed a month plus-nipping home for?-fine!
imagine a woman -bernadette-married to a excuse for a man that whilst she suffered chronic paranoid shizophrenia-plus out of present children of 3-2 were special need-but also pregnant and at 7mnths-to kill her and unborn-stabbed her in abdomen 5times!
then in prison-nothing new!- was a man named sutcliffe-married to her sister who was also cps
his cellmate was a ?man called gary-a total loser-got visiting orders for bernadette-surprise?-married as soon as came out!
money in benefits for him/her and 4children-2special needs so extra-and ALL he did was drink and "bong"/smoke cannabiss 24/7-this is at 39!
one of my occupations in youth was O.I.CRCCOGRADE4 field childrens social worker-specialised unit for severely/emotionally disturbed children-aged 4-17yrs-very rewarding/frustrating/50/50!
i used to go across every morning re: wash/breakfast/clean clothes and attendance re: 4 kids plus support mother-he was always on another planet!
emma-eldest girl-soon found a way of getting sweets/cigarettes etc plus sexually active-became a runaway-accused "wrong"man totally-nice but nasty -i was chaiman of fagley n.c.c at time which meant re: youth problems i could get in re:sorting-pulled re: police/council assoc`n strings to quash as if not-if any child goes missing then he is pulled in for ellimination-but coppers at door plus council estate grapevine??
got sick of something should be done about it!
someone should do something about it!
grandson asleep in my bed-daughter and i watching video-what`s that dad?-daft not deaf-no!mute and listen -at my gate telling me how many pieces he was going to rip me in to etc etc-guess everything combined-jumped the fence-he span round 3 times-then i went for best-car nearly hit us both-he got in and refused to come out -so i left it!
was grandsons b/day on sunday-yeah promise dad i`ll ring so jai can say thank you-no call-but heard that john sutcliffe-person gary latched on to in prison-who controlled the estates re: firearms/heroin/anything-never crossed paths so wasn`t particularly bothered-but my daughter turned up for lunch-great!!
rang a lady friend to push my daughter out of way plus grab my grandson when it kicked off so to speak!
word was re: sutcliffe was that "gary" had been bailed at my address-true but i practically lived there anyway-as also at night i used to make sure kids were in there right beds /tucked in-they had nothing-very very few toys-him re: drink/drugs-locked door/key through letterbox.
but also that i was defending the "animal" whilst it was bernadette and children-but he didn`t want words!
realised that i had to have a "psychotic" episode-ringing gp and neccessetating duty dr to call-you take one horse pill-i`ll take other-then threaten him-plus apart from 3police officers-2 in tears-seriously-listened to me-but too late-went "very" quiet-then remember chips?-4 of them knocked me into next week-handcuffed-sometime? still handcuffed -a good beating-bravoury `eh?-then police m/o checked me as a1 at he said 5.50am-then allowed wash-then psychiatric hospital-b4 i could speak-the 3 police escort plus 2hosp` staff-liquid cosh-three days later able to get someone to listen-checked it out-as not mentally ill-no bed-so p.p.order-s/army-no way but no choice-best place on reflection-lose yourself?

01-09-05, 17:25
everything ok -but sorry sarah-thought i asone 2 one-not open as a tpic-still feeling myself round-i`ll get there `eh?-trevor