View Full Version : First Post, but avid reader

01-06-09, 14:45
Hi all,

I've been reading this forum for a month or so now even though I've only registered today. I found it when I was looking up some symptoms on the net and was comforted to know that there are other people out there with similar complaints as myself.

Since I was 17 (I'm 24 now) every now and again, I've had a weird heart beat (like a skipped beat with a really big, hard heart beat following it) but I only got it once in a blue moon. A few weeks ago, I had 5 days where I got it 80+ times every day which is when I found the forum. Since then, I have been to the doctors and he sent me straight to the hospital for a blood test (haven't had the results back yet) and this weekend I'm getting a 24 hour ECG from the cardiologist at the hospital. I'm really glad that they're doing something about it as it was REALLY freaking me out, but in the last few days, they've all but stopped! It's not that I want to have them, but I'd really like at least one to happen when I'm wearing the thing so that I could say 'then...what was that?' and they could say 'don't worry, you're fine!' :blush:

Anyway, I'm coming to the conclusion that it's probably stress/anxiety related although bizarrely in a belated way - I usually get them after the stressful event when I'm relaxing or resting. I guess I'll find out what its all about at the weekend....

Also - I wanted to say a special Hi to emetophobics out there. I am too and all I can say is that it is possible to live with this and not let it control your life. I did for a time when I was about 14, but then I identified the event which triggered the phobia (when I was 4, I ate a biscuit which I had dropped in my Mum's newly planted border in the garden and she saw me do it. Sadly, she had put slug repellant down and I was rushed to hospital and forced to take medicine to make me sick. I don't remember any of this, but apparently it was pretty awful and I couldn't stop throwing up for ages) Anyway, since I identified the trigger, I've been a lot calmer and so I feel ill a lot less and so on....

Fingers crossed my heart is ok though... haven't been this worried for a long time...

Thanks for reading


01-06-09, 14:59
Hi Lou

I'm glad you found us!! :flowers:

You will get lots of support and advice here.

Take care

01-06-09, 18:19
Hello Lou , Welcome to NMP , lots of advice and understanding here , glad you found us , take care :welcome: d x

01-06-09, 19:26
Hi Lou

Welcome to the site glad you decided to join us. There is alot of good advice and support on here.

Take care


01-06-09, 19:28
A huge warm welcome to nmp

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

best wishes

di xx

02-06-09, 10:47
Thanks all, much appreciated :-)