View Full Version : please help

01-06-09, 16:21
i had been starting to manage my anxiety abit better over the last week and had a really nice day on friday, however that night i was unable to slle which made me feel bad the following day, that night i was so tired i kept dozing off then waking in a panic which sent me in to overdrive i have been in constant tears and my panic has gone through the roof worse than it has ever been. i have been on the phone twice to the duty care officer who just told me to breath and try and think happy thoughts however they were unable to come and see me. my parents took me out but half way their i begged to be taking home in a complete state. now i am home and dont know how to get through another hour let alone a night i take diazapam with little effect and slleping tablets again with little effect. what can i do how do i get through and begin to get better is it even possible i feel so alone.

01-06-09, 19:20
Hi Dweener
I am sorry to hear you're having a rough time. It can be so hard when you're awake at night and can't sleep. It can feel isolating because you can't call anyone due to the fact that everyone is sleeping but you ! I know it is hard hun but you're not alone- you have NMP and you can always find support here. When it is really hard for me to sleep I come to NMP and find comfort and my little kitty cat purring on my lap helps too.
Take Care hun- and always come to NMP if you're feeling alone
Love Bluebelle