View Full Version : Pain to the left of Belly Button

01-06-09, 17:07
Any ideas? I really dont want to Google it :blush:

Have had this pain for quite a few weeks now off and on, I phoned the surgery but my DR is not in until Wednesday!
The pain comes and goes and it is about an inch from my tummy button to the left. Part of me is thinking IBS or something, then the HA part of me has diagnosed Bowel cancer, Ovarian Cancer, liver/kidney damage, stomach cancer etc :weep:
Am trying to stop looking in the mirror as I am also convinced that I look very bloated...

Thanks & take care

02-06-09, 17:01
No-one any ideas?


03-06-09, 22:47
Wind perhaps?

I get it, unfortnately for some.

If it persists, go see a doctor to make sure, otherwise try a hot water bottle, warm peppermint drink and a gentle massage in the area.

03-06-09, 23:06
i wouldn't jump the gun, it can really be a million things, and its probably nothing at all. and most of the things it could be have nothing to do with cancer . i had a umbilical hernia for years, before it became painful. doc said that many people live with small hernias thier whole life and there is no point in fixing them unless you are having alot of pain. i had mine fixed and it was surprisingly painless and i was back to work within days.