View Full Version : high/low blood pressure

01-06-09, 17:29
hi can anyone tell me if they have had this went to docs today about dizzy spells he took my blood sitting down it was 140 /87 then he took it standing up it was 126 over something he said thats not right and i should go for test has anyone had this

agent orange
01-06-09, 19:08
not quite, but mine is 145 over 98, apparently normal but high.

01-06-09, 19:36
no what i mean is it should not drop that low when stading up

agent orange
01-06-09, 20:05
not really sure, but if your doctor is checking you out be assured that they are checking you out. I hope you feel better soon.

01-06-09, 20:42
thanks for your reply