View Full Version : Terrified!

01-06-09, 19:01
this is the first time iv posted anthing on the site, however iv been reading people's comments for a while and have taken some reassurance fom them. Im 21 and had my first panic attack about 5months ago, i didnt think i was particularly worried about anthing, didnt feel anxious, but i was coming to the end of my degree and it was a crazy time. I began getting palpitations every few days until one day i couldnt catch my breath and my heart was going so fast i thought i would die, i stayed awake all night petrified i wouldnt wake up and went to the doctor first thing in the morning. She said my heart rate was pretty fast and sent me for an ECG which showed it was quick but not irregular. i had blood tests which showed nothing.

I then seemed to get better (possibly the ressurance that i wasnt dying!) and put it down as a one off. Then over easter i started getting pins and needles in my hands and feet constantly and headaches almost all the time. obviously i decided i had all kinds of things from MS to brain tumours (the internet is a seriously dangerous place when you have symptoms!) and it all culminated in a massive headache which i thought was a heamorrage or something and phoned NHS direct in a panic, they convinced me it was a migraine. cue another trip to the doctors! Prescribed migraleve but didnt really help too much.

Anyway, headaches wore off after a while and then i developed a tight throat, sometimes feels like i have a lump and other times just feels swollen..kind of like im breathing through tracing paper. doctor found nothing again. now the headaches and pins and needles are back and im panicking! :yesyes:

its annoying that i was fine and then had an attack, and now im worrying about my health! iv convinced myself im going to die too soon (add this to an already pretty huge fear of death...maybe this caused it in the first place?).

The thing is, im so scared that the doctors are missing something and i actually have cancer or something. i may only find out when its too late. i know im being unreasonable but i just cant seem to accept that its just panic!!

Im not on any medication but im considering going to see the doctor again and asking if they think its worth it.
wow, sorry about the huge post but iv just realised i havnt actually spoken in full about it to anybody! haha, maybe i need counselling! :D


01-06-09, 19:15
Hello and Welcome to NMP , lots of help advice and understanding , glad you have done a post telling us how you are feeling , ask your doctor for concelling i think it would really help you , look in the no more panic shop for a free download of claire weekes self help , take care :welcome: d x :flowers:

01-06-09, 19:16
Thanks, yea im finding a lot of posts useful already!

01-06-09, 19:21
Hi Alex

Welcome to the site good to have you here. Reading through your post remined me of how I first came into anxiety, each symptom you listed is one that I have experienced and each one was one that I thought the doctor had misdiagnosed. It does sound to me that you are experiencing panic and anxiety and your fear of dying is also something I went through at about your age. Try not to dwell on that, I spent years worrying when I was younger and I am 49 now and still going strong even with some panic and anxiety.

It is good to speak to people about how you feel, it can really help and on this site you will be able to speak with people who really do understand your worries.

Take care


01-06-09, 19:27
Thanks carol, it helps to know that other people have experienced the same kinds of things

01-06-09, 19:30
Hi Alex

You're certainly not on your own gal!
I hope we can be a good support network for you.

Take care

02-06-09, 15:20
Hi Alex and welcome to the forum.
I used to do this alot, if i had a minor pain in my head or a pain in my chest i wouild fear the wrose anfd google it which i doscover ain't a good idea as you say yourself. If you were to ask your doc for meds i would also consider counselling as having done CBT the irrational thoughts you get about your body are manageble with CBT.