View Full Version : Just fed up

Miss Alissa
01-06-09, 21:23
Hi everybody

I haven't been on here in a long time - I thought things were getting a lot better but the last few weeks I just feel like it has been creeping up on me again. Not just the health anxiety - but just that horrible, tense niggly fear that I have to work every day to get over. Today took me straight back to where I was 6 months ago - having to talk myself down from a panic attack, sweating palms, that horrible sick feeling in my stomach. Today I have worried about 10 different serious diseases - including about 5 different types of cancer. I've done the classic of going back to old things I've freaked out about to convince myself that the doctors and specialists must have been wrong. I almost don't even want to talk about it - and I googled and I couldn't help it and suddenly it just felt compulsive and desperate and out of control which isn't the girl I want to be anymore.

I'm sorry - this is probably making no sense. I guess I just kind of forgot how hard it can hit you even when you think you're over it. And I'm so mad at myself.

Today I was tired, pre-menstrual, mildly hungover, had eaten nothing and had nailed a giant coffee. I'm stressed in a new job, about to move house and have barely seen my boyfriend for weeks. I think I just feel out of control - and kind of like I'm letting people down by being like this. It makes me feel useless. I almost feel like I'm just about to fall off - I just feel so wobbly and I kind of just wanted somebody to hug me and ground me a little. But there's nobody to do that so I have to do it myself and it's just really hard sometimes. I'm sorry, I know this is rambling, I just needed to write it down I think. I don't want reassurance about my illness fears, I know that isn't good for me. I just wanted to rant a little I guess.

Thanks No More Panic for giving me a space to do.


01-06-09, 21:47
the hangover makes things ten times worse. i know i have been there and felt the same way. try not to drink until you get your anxiety under control.

01-06-09, 23:59
^^ Oh agreed,after a night of having had alcohol,I tend to feel more "on edge" if you will." and ache like hell and feel sick etc..but when the HA is bad all those symptoms which are hangover symptoms really,to me they are everything else.

Blah..I'm suffering with HA and stuff so much jus tnow,wish I was more help but just know we are here and totally understand what you are going through petal xxxxx