View Full Version : help spotty rash on upper chest and back meningitus

01-06-09, 21:31
I have been to the hospital today for my check up for my skin cancer well i had to strip down to my knickers and bra, well I know at this time this morning my skin was clear, but when i got home tonight from being out all day i stripped down for a shower and noticed a cluster of spots really hard boil type ones like bites almost which are sore to touch and if they get rubbed, well they are on both breasts mainly under the part my bra had covered and i have two clusters on either side of my boobs almost where the wire of a bra might rub and slightly down a bit, I also have a cluster along my bra strap line on each shoulder blade, well i'm a bit worried about this and why it has happened i wore this bra yesterday with no problems so i can't see why it would be that as they are mainly concerntrated on areas where my bra sits, i wander if this could be meningitus or does that not start in this area i mainly hear about arms and chest spot/rash for this.
Has anyone else suffered anything similar to this all of a sudden and do you think i should worry about it being anything to serious

01-06-09, 22:50
it sounds more likely to be an allergy to me or a heat rash. Have you changed washing powder? used a diff deodorant? used a new perfume? sometimes if you are hot and get a bit sweaty, it can dampen your bra and rub your skin and aggravate it. I really dont see its anything to worry about it if it's only affecting areas where your bra is contacting your skin. x

01-06-09, 23:07

Meningitis is a measles type rash under the skin. If you roll a glass over the rash it won't disappear.

If your rash is red with white bumps almost like stinging nettle lumps, feels sore and itchy, it is almost certainly heat rash. Place a cold damp flannel over it to relieve the soreness and itching, and apply some calomine lotion if you have any.

02-06-09, 19:36
i have been looking on the internet at pic of rashes and they do look like bite marks really, i'm starting to get them all over really now on my legs and arms too but it is worst around my bra area.
I went in a hot tub on sunday and i got this rash on monday i didn't think it would be from this as no one else has it, has anyone ever had hot tub rash and if so does it sound simialr to how i described.