View Full Version : memory loss? sex drive?

01-06-09, 22:48
Since i've been upped from 10mg t0 20mg of Citalopram i cant seem to keep my brain in order, and my sex drive has gone down, but not sure if the 2nd thing is because my b/f is a unsupportive ass.
What do you lot think?

01-06-09, 23:24
Memory loss is common ,so is loss of sex drive.It definately wont help with an unsympathetic partner.There is a chance that it will improve,once you get used to the pills.I feel better than I did and it doesnt really affect things,unfortunately the memory thing still comes and goes, but I tend to laugh it off. A small price to pay to feel better.:winks: Sue xx

01-06-09, 23:56
me too i have memory loss at times and i know that every thing withh bo okay,what scares me is when i can concentrate at work or when i'm spacey.

02-06-09, 00:00
Memory problems are common if you are depressed or anxious. Same with reduced sex drive. Citalopram's side effects can make things worse for a while, particularly with your sex drive.

02-06-09, 02:32
I have the same problem with memory loss and my sex drive with Citalopram. Apart from these two things with Citalopram my life has changed for the better.

02-06-09, 05:04
My memory is ok, but I have no sex drive anymore. I have been meds for 14 months and have no sexual desire whatsoever. I feel sorry for my husband, but he has been very understanding. Does it come back??? I was wondering if there was anything that I could take.

02-06-09, 10:24
hi I am on citalopram and tegratol for 2 years after post natal deppression i find i feel grey!! a lot and the sex drive is very low contemplating coming off them but dont know were to start

02-06-09, 11:25
Heyyy, Huuuhhhhh
Finnalyy I am not the only one with the memory and S*X problem.

Had big problems on the second one with my husband as my condition has been going on for 4 years.

Sometimes crying, sometimes laughing about lack of drive: good exuse is: we dont want S*X because we forgot what its like because of the memory problems.

recently I am trying to fix this - my husband is trying to help me a bit with this by letting me relax more, and the fact that it actually happens occasionnally makes me feel more normal, and one anxiety less.

After some times I hope it will start doing real good as it supposed to relax us and maybe memory will come back as well :o)

02-06-09, 23:30
my memory is all over the place and lack of sex before hand hasnt been very helpful now

04-06-09, 16:22
I haven't had any major memory problems... more concentration issues.

I had a loss of sex drive for the first two months but then I was fine.

Now I'm coming off them the concentration and sex drive is a bit rubbish again!

05-06-09, 15:02
When I first started my 40mg dose, my sex drive dropped to an almighty low (it's normally very high). I was away from home for a few weeks in December and I ran out. It came back with a mighty vengence!
I never really experienced memory loss on the 40mg, but I am going through the withdrawal stages of reducing from 40mg to 20mg atm and I'm becoming really scatty - I'll open the fridge and I'll forget why; I'll walk into a room for no reason, thinking I need to go in there when I don't. Also, sex drive has decreased in the withdrawal stage as well.