View Full Version : New member...ectopic heart

01-06-09, 22:50
Hi all! I'm so glad I found this forum, I never though such a place existed.

I started having irregular heartbeats last Thursday evening... where my heart kind of misses a beat then beats hard and quick leaving my stomach feel like I am on a roller coaster! I had this all day today and went along to the after hours surgery where he says that this may have been caused by my tension headache medicine (Amitriptyline) and/or general anxiety/stress. I have been told to go to the doctors tomorrow for ECG and 24 hour monitor.

I really never knew that this heart problem even existed until now! And reading this forum educates me that this is not unusual. I can't believe that some of you have had this for years and years!

It's the strangest feeling ever! I have it now as I write. Saying that it it better than the headaches I get!! :)

So here I am, joining the dodgy heart club! :)

01-06-09, 22:59

These are the palpitations I was getting. Heart missing a beat, chest goes all fluttery, its awful. I had 2 ECG's and blood tests, everything was fine.

I don't know whether you have seen this, but it's very informative > http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=palpitations

Good luck

03-06-09, 00:03
Hello and Welcome to NMP , lots of advice and understanding here glad you found us , your not alone , take care :welcome: d x :flowers: