View Full Version : problems with the bowels?

01-06-09, 23:01
it's a topic that often comes up and I searched and could not find a poll, so may be helpful to see just how many people do suffer from either IBS or just problems with the bowels? i am also interested as it seems to be quite commonly linked to stress, which is in no doubt caused by the various anxieties we suffer! sorry for unpleasant subject matter!

01-06-09, 23:03
Hi Kathy

I have had IBS for about 20 years, only had anxiety problems for about 4 months now, but I do find I have had more trouble with it since the anxiety.

01-06-09, 23:07
i haven't had any problems before until recently, my anxiety seems to have set it off but it's all the symptoms of IBS but not very extreme. if it gets much worse i was going to talk to my GP about it.

01-06-09, 23:24
It's good that we can talk about stuff like this on here, without people getting offended or anything:D

I have had probs with loose stools, excess wind, everything really apart from constipation:ohmy:

I have never been diagnosed with IBS, although after I had a flexible sygmoidoscopy, I was handed an IBS leaflet:shrug:

I thought that IBS was one or the other problems (dia or const) but now they are saying (I think) that it can be just dia or const. So maybe I have it, I dunno:shrug:

Do you have to keep to a special diet if you have it? I don't eat '5 a day' cause if I did, I would never be out of the bathroom :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


02-06-09, 11:49
I have had a vague pain running down the left side of my abdomin between my belly button and bottom pelvis which comes and goes and varies in intensity - ever since my second son was born - about 4 years. My GP has had me get two different ultrasounds and blood tests. She is convinced I have IBS so I try to believe her. Also have had nausea and mild constipation. I am only 36 so she says I should not think that it is anything more serious.

02-06-09, 12:36
I always have runs and nausea when I am in anxiety, panic attacks stage (days, weeks) - when I am getting over it my digestion and appetite gets normal.
Therefore I connect these two together for me personnally.
I even have const coming occassionnally - but as soon as go on a daily drinking yougurt doze - it works as a clock.

take care all

02-06-09, 13:57
ha this is the cause of my anxiety i am under a dr at hospital for my tummy he bullied me into takin setraline at night for ibs i took had really bad nights sleeps disturbances palputaions etc and have been suffering from anxiety ever since. I have also been in an out of hospital even had a morphine injection at the hospital for it came close to havin my appendict out because of it

04-06-09, 13:57
I was not sure which box was more important:blush: i suffer trapped wind (soooo painful) sickness and nausea (not all at the same time:blush: )).
Docs have said ""probably IBS"" caused by anxiety!!!!

Desprate Dan
07-06-09, 10:20
I am also worried about this as it seem's to me if you complain to your doctor about upset stomach and abdominal pains and bowel movements and stool form, he/she say I.B.S...
Yet i understand that symptoms differ from person to person, but please can anyone reasure me that they have the same symptoms as me.., my symptoms are slight abdominal pains from time to time and excess wind, but my stool form is always changeing its very rarely what i would regard as normal or constipated, mostly, loose, mushy, floating and sometimes diarohea, this has always been the case and i cant ever remeber it ever being consistant or normal for any period of time, it changes all the time, even sometimes during the same sitting.. I really feel embarrased about talking about this i also suffer from anxiety, nerves..

Help please

07-06-09, 15:05
Diverticular disease (with bouts of diverticulitis) since 1976 (I do not suffer from HA).

08-06-09, 20:40
My doc says I have IBS caused by anxiety. I get very bloated, constipated then sometimes diahorrea also abdo pains and sometimes feel like have something stuck under right rib. Got bit better since taking spasmonola. Also changed my diet, less carbs and more fibre which is helping.

09-06-09, 14:21
I have had to eliminate a lot of things from my diet in order to deal with IBS, since I also have GERD.

I have IBS C, not fun. I have to eat less dairy and stay away from spicy stuff. Oh and drink plenty of water. And stress makes it a lot worse.

10-06-09, 12:54
I have all of the above, the worst being nausea (sometimes feel on the verge of being sick) and lower abdominal pain (not cramps or spasms but really bad aches like I've been punched or done 1000 sit ups).

Was told by my Dr it's IBS despite not having any tests other than blood tests. Just wish I could get rid of the nausea as I have a huge fear of being sick

Desprate Dan
12-06-09, 09:42
My doc says I have IBS caused by anxiety. I get very bloated, constipated then sometimes diahorrea also abdo pains and sometimes feel like have something stuck under right rib. Got bit better since taking spasmonola. Also changed my diet, less carbs and more fibre which is helping.

Thanks Tink, I have recently been diagnosed with I.B.S and have suffered with anxiety and depression, recently after a few traumatic incedents my anxiety went through the roof and i developed a pain in my right side just like you as if something was stuck under my rib cage, after going for an ultra sound it all came back fine, my doc said its just down to my I.B.S, but i still had doubts..


21-06-09, 21:55
I am going for an ultra sound too but not for a few weeks. It did go away for a bit but now it is back and also keep getting pains in my lower back too. I also have doubts but keep trying to tell myself I am being silly!!
How have you been doing?

22-06-09, 09:42
IBS started after anxiety and panic. I think maybe it's more from anxiety then actual IBS, but its easy for the docs to label me to get rid of me!!

agent orange
22-06-09, 20:06
I have i.b.s and have had it for around 5 years now. It has got much better, but I am left with nausea and belching and heartburn at times and I hate it. This I believe is to do with anxiety.

25-06-09, 00:53
I am also worried about this as it seem's to me if you complain to your doctor about upset stomach and abdominal pains and bowel movements and stool form, he/she say I.B.S...
Yet i understand that symptoms differ from person to person, but please can anyone reasure me that they have the same symptoms as me.., my symptoms are slight abdominal pains from time to time and excess wind, but my stool form is always changeing its very rarely what i would regard as normal or constipated, mostly, loose, mushy, floating and sometimes diarohea, this has always been the case and i cant ever remeber it ever being consistant or normal for any period of time, it changes all the time, even sometimes during the same sitting.. I really feel embarrased about talking about this i also suffer from anxiety, nerves..

Help please
I have been like that for the past 30 years . I just learned to cope with it.

I've never been to the GP about it (too embarrassed):huh:

Take today for example:

I woke up and let rip with a huge fart, as I do every morning. That's how my dog knows I'm fully awake:roflmao:

Went to the loo for a widdle...Well we all do that, don't we?

Then it started. Within the next hour I have to 'go' 5 times.

Forget about eating as usual.

Have a bit of toast at lunchtime and the whole scenario starts up again.

Sometimes I have pain, sometimes I have a real urge and believe me it leaves my body at some speed.

Oddly enough curry has very little effect on me.

Our bodies are weird and wonderful mysteries

06-07-09, 07:20
Dear Kathy.X,

I live in Los Angeles & some one recently told me sometimes when you have Adrenal Fatigue you can experience sensitivities to foods which can cause IBS. The thing is IBS, Esophageal Reflux, Gastritis, GERD, Acid REflux etc., seem to mimick each other or the symptoms can be very similar making it a task to figure out which is which so you can get on with the business of curing. There's a company here called Digestive Advantage that is fairly natural compared to the antibiotics prescribed by Doctors that seem to remove all the Good Bacteria from the stomach, etc. They have an Online site. You may want to check them out or bookmark them for reference in the future. The site is:


They make products for Chron's & Colitis, IBS, Lactose Intolerance & some for children. I WISH you the right answers to your questions & Good Health. If I can come with anything else that might be of help I will Gladly do so. Peace & Love...BH1 :)

06-07-09, 18:17
When my anxieties are out of control, I'll can get stomach pains - but mostly it just makes me tired.

09-07-09, 11:06
Yeah I hope I have IBS, have been to a specialist and he is booking me into the hospital for tests. It's been going on 3 months now (hasn't gotten any worse) but I am really gassy in the mornings (well most of the day really) then after I have been awake for 30 minutes I need to go to the toliet, I really have to strain to get anything out and what does come out is either just mucous or very loose stools covered in mucous, no blood or pain. I do have a constant tenderness just below my sternum(sp) but doctors either ain't conserned about this as the just keep giving me PPI's :/ which haven't helped at all.

11-07-09, 14:48
i have had ibs for two and half years now and ha and depression for 5 years my ibs real got bad when my ha about 2 years ago was out of control and it was untill i stared to stop worring and to tri to control my fear my ibs has stated to decline i still have it ,but its not as bad as it was.my probs are dew to my ha after my accant in work about 5 years ago before that not a bad head all the take care

13-07-09, 12:05
Hi, I have ulcerative colitis and have had it for about 25 yrs.My anxiety problems most definatley have an effect.

28-07-09, 18:31
I have all of the above, the worst being nausea (sometimes feel on the verge of being sick) and lower abdominal pain (not cramps or spasms but really bad aches like I've been punched or done 1000 sit ups).

Was told by my Dr it's IBS despite not having any tests other than blood tests. Just wish I could get rid of the nausea as I have a huge fear of being sick
Had constant nausea after my anxiety or whatever came on the other week and it truly is the worst feeling. It's completely debilitating and I couldn't cope with work.

Doctor gave me some ranitidine (generic form of Zantac, in a stronger dose) and that appears to have sorted it out. I'm still on the stuff as they do warn you shouldn't just stop as the symptoms may come back, but I'm down to 1 a day and hope to stop them and see what happens. Some people can happily take this stuff for years though if they have issues with excess stomach acid. Apparently one of the physical manifestations of anxiety is excess stomach acid.

I am going for an ultra sound too but not for a few weeks. It did go away for a bit but now it is back and also keep getting pains in my lower back too. I also have doubts but keep trying to tell myself I am being silly!!
How have you been doing?
Yep, got the lower back pain now. Now either it's just another daft anxiety symptom or just an unrelated issue with posture when I sit at the desk at work.

Of course I foolishly consulted Dr. Google and now I think I've got kidney stones or a kidney infection. Looking at the symptoms though I don't think I have.

Whatever I get now though, if I go to the GP it's just dismissed as "oh, it's all part of anxiety" and I'm sent away without any tests. Doesn't boost my confidence, but then they're probably right and tests would be a waste of NHS money.

28-07-09, 18:42
it's a topic that often comes up and I searched and could not find a poll, so may be helpful to see just how many people do suffer from either IBS or just problems with the bowels? i am also interested as it seems to be quite commonly linked to stress, which is in no doubt caused by the various anxieties we suffer! sorry for unpleasant subject matter!
hi i am suffering from thin stools and really worried i have colon cancer