View Full Version : Please help me

02-06-09, 04:37
Hey All

Well i should be the happiest girl alive right now, I have just got married, have two beautiful children and have just come back from honeymoon. Right now I am collapsing inside, this HA has got me well and truly finished.

I have been suffering from pelvic pain for some time now, it has got quite bad at times and they have been unable to find whats going on, I have been referred to a pelvic pain clinic which I am going to today.
I have also been getting terrible heartburn, indigestion, feeling sick, hard to know if my anxiety is causing this, but am worried its all connected. What if I have an ulcer or something worse?
Finally, I had to do a long haul flight, on the way out 9 hours, with a break overnight then 6 hours. I got up every hour and drank loads of water, I did not stop jiggling my legs about the whole flight. So scared about blood clots.
Then on the way back, a 4 hour flight with a 3 hour break, and then 6 hour flight. The 6 hour flight was overnight so did not get as much chance to move around but did 3/4 times.

I am so frightened I am going to drop dead and leave my kids and my husband, My hubbie is away with work for three weeks from June 15th, and I have no idea how i will cope. I am worried I will die. I have a pain in my thigh, I have had about 2 hours sleep. I really can't cope. I am crying my eyes out here.

What can I do to be happy, why can't I ever be satisfied with my life, why am i now thinking I am going to die? I am being so suspicious, if certain songs come on, (my mum always tgold me songs had meanings) my friend has just had a baby, and everyone says one life comes another one goes (again my mum) I am so scared. How can I be better?
I hope you don't think I am crazy, and can understand the torment I am going through right now trying to hold it together.

Replies would be so welcome


02-06-09, 05:00
hey, thanks for replying to my post! you need to try and stay positive, i can completely identify with what you are going through. earlier i thought i had a brain tumour and now i think i have cancer in my foot. just try to relax and spend time with your family. get well soon.
Love Louise

02-06-09, 06:52
Hey All

Well i should be the happiest girl alive right now, I have just got married, have two beautiful children and have just come back from honeymoon. Right now I am collapsing inside, this HA has got me well and truly finished.

I have been suffering from pelvic pain for some time now, it has got quite bad at times and they have been unable to find whats going on, I have been referred to a pelvic pain clinic which I am going to today.
I have also been getting terrible heartburn, indigestion, feeling sick, hard to know if my anxiety is causing this, but am worried its all connected. What if I have an ulcer or something worse?
Finally, I had to do a long haul flight, on the way out 9 hours, with a break overnight then 6 hours. I got up every hour and drank loads of water, I did not stop jiggling my legs about the whole flight. So scared about blood clots.
Then on the way back, a 4 hour flight with a 3 hour break, and then 6 hour flight. The 6 hour flight was overnight so did not get as much chance to move around but did 3/4 times.

I am so frightened I am going to drop dead and leave my kids and my husband, My hubbie is away with work for three weeks from June 15th, and I have no idea how i will cope. I am worried I will die. I have a pain in my thigh, I have had about 2 hours sleep. I really can't cope. I am crying my eyes out here.

What can I do to be happy, why can't I ever be satisfied with my life, why am i now thinking I am going to die? I am being so suspicious, if certain songs come on, (my mum always tgold me songs had meanings) my friend has just had a baby, and everyone says one life comes another one goes (again my mum) I am so scared. How can I be better?
I hope you don't think I am crazy, and can understand the torment I am going through right now trying to hold it together.

Replies would be so welcome


STOP and take a deep breath in.

I sit at my computer for hours on end as do many of us I expect, many people fly long haul with no problems as due those who travel hundreds of miles by coach. Just because you sat down for 6hrs it doesn't mean to say you will get DVT.

Many people on this board have digestive problems so you are amongst a good crowd.:yesyes:

The pain in your thigh is probably caused by your anxiety,so don't worry.

Yes get the pelvic pain sorted out this might put your mind at rest http://www.womens-health.co.uk/repro/pelvicpain.html

You are not going to die just because someone has had a baby or because a certain song has come on the radio (ignore your mum on this score).

You will be fine and if your anxiety/HA is caused by your worry that if you die your hubbie and kids won't manage..........they will. My children's father died suddenly and they have come through it (my daughters problems were caused by an amalgamation of things).

Are you on any medication at all?

02-06-09, 11:33

I am not on any medication at all. My leg is all crampy. my right one. Absolute agony, I am really scared. Its so painful.

I am not on medication no.

I just can't cope with this :-(

02-06-09, 11:38

I am not on any medication at all. My leg is all crampy. my right one. Absolute agony, I am really scared. Its so painful.

I am not on medication no.

I just can't cope with this :-(

Perhaps you need to see the doctor regarding medication for your HA. I do not suffer from HA but I was suffering from a bout of Anxiety about something else. I was put on Cipralex about a year ago and it really helped, now I am weaning myself off it.

I know someone who was having a terrible time she was prescribed a similar type of medication and she is a changed person.

If you can't cope you must see a doctor who can help you.

Try bananas for your leg cramp (potassium) or any potassium enriched food.

02-06-09, 12:06
Emira lass x

Congratulations btw :)

Health anxiety eh, enough to drive you mad.

I can sympathise totally with you, I have been having trouble with pain in my abdomen, moving right and left, around the back and yesterday crippling pain between the shoulder blades for last 2 weeks.

Am I stressing? well ok googled a few times and symptoms match all kinds of serious conditions and loads not so serious.

I have bit the bullet lass, off to GP at 5pm today (I usually avoid docs like the plague).

But last time I got like this Emira, a few years back, I needed reassurance that it was no big deal from a GP and eventually accepted it, and the pain went after diagnoses (he said, hoping that's what the doc says today lol).

If it was something apparant, they would have found it by now I am sure. So go to the clinic and accept it when they say it is not anything to worry about.

Seriously, don't let the HA anx get to you, try and challenge the thoughts with evidence, and so far there is no evidence in favour of anything serious.

And once you have been to the clinic, pop to the docs with me and keep me calm, last time I was in a GP's surgery I was like Scooby Doo on speed.

Keep us posted and try and stopthe neagative thinking, its the thoughts keeping you unhappy, just the thoughts.



02-06-09, 12:14
Emms :bighug1:

Mate please try to calm down!! You are NOT going to drop dead darlin.
Think about this now. You have had weeeks and weeks building up to your wedding, all the arangements etc, the wedding itself and then your honeymoon. It's been a lovely but i bet, pretty stressful time.
You have a severe phobia of blood clots and you have just been on a long flight. My personal opinion is that now all the hustle and bustle is over and you're not having all that stuff to occupy your mind, your mind had re-focused on your HA full force. Ems this is very very very common after a stresful peroid hun.

I agree you should go have all your symptoms checked out even if it's just to give you some reasurance but i think you may find that a heck of alot of it will be the back lash from the stress.

And i honestly don't think you have a blood clot hun but i know this is one of your biggest fears and has been for a long time.

Please let us know how you get on and pm me if you need me mate!!

Massive hugs to you
Love Lisa

02-06-09, 12:16

You're going to be just fine too mate!!
Thinking of you both
Loads of love

02-06-09, 15:37

Firstly hugs ((())) Jaco I am really sorry to hear that you are having a crap time. Its rubbish isn't it. Trundle along doing OK, then bam! It gets you.

Well, I went to the pelvic pain clinic, and have been given antibiotics for a suggested Pelvic Inflammatory disease issue. I have to go back in two weeks time for results and then go from there, see if I need to be referred to Gynaecology.
I just called to make a Drs appointment, next thursday was the next available, so I have asked to go onto my doctors call list. And I am going to speak frankly to her. I am worrying cos I can see the pulse in my tummy as well. Fret to death of an anuerysm. So I think i am going to be frank with her, see if she can fit me in, tell her I am worried about my leg, and am worried about this anuerysm. I need to go on some meds as well I think.

My job is killing my mental health, I have to look for something else. having HA I cannot continue working with Drs and listening to the gory stories and conditions. Last night I had dinner with an A & E Consultant and a GP, and I ended spending all night awake in a terrible way, worrying about health.

I may even see if I can be signed off for a couple of weeks and just have some down time, to get my head together. I am at maximum breaking point now.

Fingers crossed she can see me tonight.

Jaco - everything crossed for you hun, let us know how you get on. I have the opposite issue to you, I can't stop going to my GP. Even the receptionists address me by my first name :huh:

I guess we need to be there for each other during this particularly rubbish time.

Love you all

02-06-09, 16:22
hope your feeling a tiny bit better now, maybe a cpl of weeks off would do you good ,as would some meds if you feel you need them ,your not in an easy job,congrats on your marriage aswell where did you go on your honeymon?


02-06-09, 17:00
i just wanted to say regarding you being suspicios about hidden meanings in things, i do this all the time, i can sometimes laugh at it but other times it really freaks me out. The other day i was playing boggle on my phone and 2 of the words i could make were death and die and i thought this must be a sign, i also did a crossword the other day and one of the anwers was iris which made me think that there was going to be something wrong with my eyes! Its just coincidence ive learned to realise but i still sometimes get a bit panicked about it!

02-06-09, 17:14
OMG i am exactly the same with meanings and things. I blame my Mum as she is the most superstitious person you could meet. I think if i drop something and don't pick it up something bad will happen, with songs i think why has that come on now when i have just turned the radio over. If i see a funeral car i think that is a sign. When i hear of someone having a babay i think the same when someone is born another dies. It is all a learned response. Magpies and ambulances are another with me too. I suffer from HA and OCD

If you need anything else just PM me

Chin Up

02-06-09, 17:29

Firstly, I think it would be a good idea to be signed off from work till things settle back down again for you.

Please don't worry about being able to see your pulse in your stomach mate because i can see mine from time to time too and trust me, that's flippin amazing considering it's usualy just my spare tyre that i can see. :blush:

Definately a good idea to see your GP as soon as they can fit you in because i think you are stressed to the max and need some fast reasurance.
Would it be possible to make an emergency appointment? i'm sure all Gp surgeries have this service available. NOT that i think anything bad is going to happen to you Ems but i really do think you need your mind put at ease.

Let us know what happens

P.s thinking about you too Jaco mate