View Full Version : really panicky - please reply

02-06-09, 04:37
hey there, about five weeks ago i stepped on a plug and it was really painful and i couldn't put much pressure on my foot but within about 3 - 4 days it was a lot better. well i was just feeling where i stepped on the plug and i felt a bump in my foot and i'm really freaking out it might be cancer. any ideas? has anyone ever done this? it doesn't hurt anymore but ive noticed this bump.
Please reply ASAP
Love Louise XXXX

02-06-09, 04:40
Hey Louise
Guess you and me are up feeling anxious together huh, Well firstly hugs:hugs:
I stepped on a plug when I was a child, and the healing process was a long one.

I imagine its a bit of scar tissue, but pop along to the doctors hun, just to say you noticed it.

Am sure its not cancer.
Big hugs

02-06-09, 17:50
hey, please reply, i'm really freaking out. could it be cancer? or is it just where i stepped on the plug? i now have more to worry about as my wrist is really hurting but at work i work on the ice crream counter quite a bit and i was thinking it might be from that? what do you think? also...my grandad has been rushed to hospital with breathing difficulties and now i'm really worried about him.

02-06-09, 18:21
Feet are very complex in structure,and any injury usually takes a long time to finally heal completely.It sounds like its scar tissue down to the plug incident,it isnt cancer.Your wrist sounds like it is being put under continuos pressure ,due to the nature of your work,try a wrist support for a while im sure it will help you.Your grandad is being looked after & is in the best place at the moment.I hope he recovers quickly Hugs to you both Sue x:hugs:

02-06-09, 18:22
every time i try to feel around somewhere i find something that scares me. abdomen, neck, anywhere. i always find bumps, i think its just part of our anatomy. if they were in your breast or something i would be more concerned, but i would just try to stay away from feeling around for bumps.