View Full Version : Private Full Body Scans (MRI) Safe and Effective??

02-06-09, 11:56
I'm 36 and I've had HA ever since the traumatic birth of my first son about 7 years ago, but it really got bad about 2 years ago. Becuase of my various complaints, I am thinking of having a private full body MRI scan done - in order to aleviate my anxiety once and for all. Does anyone have any experience with these / have any advice for me? Thanks in advance.

02-06-09, 13:54
:hugs: Hi just put MRI scan into search at the top of this page.
you will get lots of info:hugs:
best wishes

02-06-09, 14:20
I'm 36 and I've had HA ever since the traumatic birth of my first son about 7 years ago, but it really got bad about 2 years ago. Because of my various complaints, I am thinking of having a private full body MRI scan done - in order to alleviate my anxiety once and for all. Does anyone have any experience with these / have any advice for me? Thanks in advance.

Can you just ask for one? In this country you have to be referred by a doctor unless you go private.

02-06-09, 19:53
I think you have to be reffered, you need to ask your doctor. I know you can pay private for one, there is information on the internet. I just had a head one but I was reffered by the ENT departement.

Hope this helps


02-06-09, 22:09
I think you have to be reffered, you need to ask your doctor. I know you can pay private for one, there is information on the internet. I just had a head one but I was reffered by the ENT departement.

Hope this helps


I have one every six months (B T) but I was referred by the consultant originally. I don't know anyone who just asked for one.

02-06-09, 23:17
Any GP can refer your for any scan privately if you are paying yourself BUT a full body mri would take hours and believe me if you have even been in one of those machines you do not want to be in one for hours. Also as I have found out they are so sensitive that they show up loads of harmless things that need further investigation to make sure they are harmless so you end up having loads more possibly invasive tests. I had a spine mri for back ache and it showed what turned out to be a neurofibroma on my spine that I will have been born with - it was not causing any problems or symptoms but I had to another mri with contrast to be sure - then I had head mri for ent and it showed what they thought was ms plaques in my brain but these turned out not to be demylienation at all but at that time the scanners weren't powerful enough to make decision and its only 7 yrs later with no symptoms and a further more powerful mri scanner that they can say its nothing and finally another head mri for sinus trouble has showed up cysts on my brain stem that may or may not be harmless but I am now waiting to see neurosurgeon and may need further tests.
My GP says that she was taught not to do tests on someone unless you expect to find something wrong as most tests will show up normal abnomalities and I know what she means!
It would be very expensive for a full body mri as the cheapest I have found for one area ie head is £270 and you need alot of sections to do a full body and it is doubtful if any GP would refer you unless you had serious symptoms warranting this for example diagnosed cancer that they think has spread in which case you get it on NHS anyway.

03-06-09, 07:14
Thanks very much for your msgs. Country Girl, your reply made me see things differently - thanks so much for sharing your experience. I can get a full body scan here for about 900 euro. I have had IBS symptoms and am in a high-risk breast cancer category plus have HA so was thinking if I got a body scan, I could rest assured for a few years. But perhaps I would be opening up a can of wrms instead. I'll see....:)