View Full Version : Going on to anti biotics

01-09-05, 19:37
On friday i upped my dose of citroplam to 20mg i had bad side effects to it i became more depressed than ever i also became more suicdial, i became agrophobic and was unable to leave my bedroom for 3 days my panic attacks became worse. I had just had enough. It was a bank holiday so when it came to tuesday i new i had to go to work so i got up and went.
On friday id had a cough but thought nothing of it and just carried on as the week went on it got worse my chest became tighter.
By this morning i felt really ill and my chest felt tight i got to work every time i coughed i went really pale every one kept asking me was i ok i just felt really shakey and as if i was going to pass out. So i went to the doctors he asked me lots of silly questions he then gave me amixcilan.
I asked him if there was any side effects to me taking them with citroplam he said there shouldnt b.
I want to go to my best mates wedding on saturday but im scared if i take them i mite have side effects to them mixing them togther and i dont want this to happen but then i dont want my chest to get any tighter.
please help

01-09-05, 19:46
Hi South

I am sorry to hear that you have an infection and I hope the meds will clear it up soon.

Personally I would leave taking the meds till after the wedding so that you are not worrying about any interaction with Citalopram.

I can't say I know anything about taking the 2 together but if doc said it was ok then I am sure it is.

You could start on them on Sunday instead and at least the wedding will be ok for you then.

Just a thought.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

01-09-05, 19:54
Hi South,
I am glad you went to the doctors again, and got sorted about your chest, it will stop you from worrying. I would do like Nic says and wait until after Saturday to start your antibiotic's if it is going to worry you. Well done for making it back to work on Tuesday too.
Youre doing well
Take care
Trac xxx

its "just a thought"

01-09-05, 19:58
Three is no interaction between these two meds . But if you do atke it - go easy on alcohol ...that can react with antibiotics


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-09-05, 23:42
Thank u nic and trac for replying im gonna start meds on sat im in pain but i cannt deal with the thought of any side effects i no its all in the mind but i dont wanna miss the wedding. Thank u meg u have reassured me
Take care south

Sue K with 5
02-09-05, 01:47
hi Hun!

take the antibiotics, I have been taking cipriamil for three years and I can assure you ther are no side effects

I promise you

and if you want to drink just have two dont go silly

be good

sue with 5
