View Full Version : Why Me???

02-06-09, 17:05
Hello All

I am new to this website and thought i would introduce myself. I won't go into all the detail as it would be War & Peace, but basically i was dianosed with Anxiety 2½ years ago and only now am i receiving CBT for it. I have Health Anxiety and a fear of death and dying, and other issues. It all started when i was having a stressful day at work and when i left i came over all lightheaded and dizzy that scared me sooo much. I went to the Dr and he said it was Vertifo, i told him no as i have had that and this is different, anyway after a few monthsof this and back and forth to the Dr he finally diagnosed Anxiety which has escalted and Manifested into HA. I have an issue with accepting this and need to be in control but working with the Counsellor i have to learn to let go. I keep needing reassurance that it is Anxiety and not something else. I am on 30mg of Citalopram and although they are working an i seem to have more good days thatn bad now i still cannot 100% accept that i have anxiety. I was always the strong minded one and let things go over my head, but apparently we are more susceptible to suffering with a mental health issue as our Barrell of emotions eventually spill over. The symptoms i expereince you wouldn't beleiev and i can never accept it is tension/anxiety i am constantly looking for something else.

That's me for now.


02-06-09, 17:09
Hi Sarah

A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

02-06-09, 18:13
Hi and welcome.

Why not you? I was independent, outgoing, workaholic, party-gal, loved my holidays and VERY social. Then bam - 11 years ago next month i developed agoraphobia/panic attacks/anxiety. I've not left the house alone since!

It can happen to anyone with no rhyme or reason most of the time. I'm sure you'll get lots of support here :)

Aniexty will do its bestest to try and convince you that you've got some terrible disease - it's clever like that! You fear brain tumors (not saying you do) you could bet a million pound that you'd have headaches and dizziness. You fear heart problems, you'll get chest pain - it's the way it works.


02-06-09, 18:54
I know exactly how you feel Sarah and belle. Its a bitter pill to swallow x