View Full Version : Just want to throw the towel at everything, ready to give up

02-06-09, 17:36
I really feel everything has got on top of me. I just can't take it anymore nothing seems to go my way and any tiny thing that does is not what I want.

I just don't know where to start. I'm stressed feel sick, worried. My love life is non existent I'm 20 and had one date in 6 months which is awful. I feel I'll never meet the right woman. I feel I can't handle things.

I hate my job, been trying to get another one but can't had interviews but about 30 people go in for every job at the moment. I take my angry moods out on other people now as I feel so stressed. It's stopping me sleeping I lie in bed fearing I'm going crazy.

I do feel at breaking point, giving up walking away. My head is muffled it's increasing my anxiety I can't handle these HOCD fears and manic depression fears. I just can't go on I feel life has changed in a way I'm not happy with, any minor change sets off my anxiety now.

It's bad I feel why am I moaning? I'm not happy so I have to do something... :doh: :lac:

tanya 1
02-06-09, 18:43
hey phil im sorry to hear your having a bad time at the moment,these few words have helped me loads so hope they help you too x

ambition is the path to success,persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.

there are only two ways to live your life,one is as though nothing is a miracle.the other is as if everything is.

courage is resistance to fear,mastery of fear,not absence of fear.

and this is my favourite:
i was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence,but it comes from within,it is there all the time

i have been reaserching and learning positive thinking for the past couple of months and it has greatly changed my attitude and thinking towards things.
hope this helps you phil

02-06-09, 19:08
Thanks yea I'm struggling bad.

I don't feel proud to say it but being single makes me feel desperate I'm at the stage I just want to meet anybody even if I know it's desperate of it's not what I want. I feel so out of touch with woman and having a g.f I feel I have little choice.

Anybody decent always cancels on me of late. I'm on the edge at the moment and just duno what to do. I feel anxious by every little thing.

03-06-09, 08:19
Hi Phil,

I am not good at competing against others for jobs. I don't apply for the advertised ones. I go to all the places, I look the businesses of my industry up in the phone book & break them up into areas, print up my job letter of what I'm looking for blah blah I'm so good etc (joking) & resumes & I go to as many places as it takes to find a job. Some people find that harder, I find it easier. It also works for phoning companies, then you can fax or email to them if they say it's OK. (I'm less good at the phone calls way.) It opens the door to more opportunities & employers can see you went to the effort to be brave & persistent to go out there & get what you want. They call that initiative!

I don't know what industry you're in, or what training you have, but even though this is harder & more work, you only need one callback sometimes, because no one else is competing & they must like you if they called. Also it's a good idea to spell out everything you would wish for in a job in the cover letter. I did that & to my surprise, I got everything I ever wanted in a job.
Everyone is different. I work better in quantity & persistence. I am sharing, because most people I know don't look at it that way & I had a very positive experience just by stating what I wanted & putting myself out there. (Need some work holidays to take a risk like that).

I'm good at jobs, terrible at the social stuff. Hope u feel better soon :)
