View Full Version : 3 years since last Dr's appointment, not long enough, got to love HA

02-06-09, 18:23
The last 3 weeks I have been in a right 2 and 8. 1st my left side was killing me, especially after sneezing (I nearly died of hayfever) then my right side (liver area) then my shoulder blades, then stomach swelling up after eating and just generally feeling crap.

About a week ago I asked my wife what do you think it is, she said "cut down on the wine, beer and go see a GP for once". Obviously she is no doctor so I ignored her advice.

But over the weekend it was getting beyond a joke, the discomfort and pain was starting to get to me. Didn't help I have been googling symptoms to find out I have Liver disease, heart disease, gall stones, kidney stones, appendwhatisname, intestine blockage (dodgy apparantly) and some other big words that mean nothing but fear to me.

Finally I made an appointment at the docs (on another note, are all GP receptionists so damn moody? if mine mustered a smile her polly filla would have cracked). So I sat down, and the Dr said, how are you?, in my head I responded " feckin dandy mate, I am just on a social call".

"Actually doc I am not too good, strap yourself in chap and listen to this" as I started to reel off all the aliments.

"uh huh, uh huh uh huh" is all he kepted saying I thought, "is this fella listening to me?). Then he said, I see you suffer from anxiety. I thought, here we go, all in my head line, there is no way he is putting it down to that, I am not mental yet.

How's your diet? he asked, fine, I eat well, but I do like the ole vino, to which he never said anything. I went on to mention I drink lots of wine, alot about 4 times and he didn't comment once, I was begining to like this fella.

Do you have a temperture? nope, vomit or feeling sick? nope, bathroom trouble? Well I can't get in the feckin bathroom between 7 and 8 am does that count ?

So after sticking a temp thing in my ear, listen to me breath, squeeze me all over for tenderness (why do I always get friggin male docs?) he printed me off some stuff.

I thought here we go, it's a death certificate.

Nope, A4 sheets on, wait for it, IBS. IB frigging what? I am in pain here doc.

But there it is, apparantly it's IBS and possibly bread intolerance (I was eating a ciabatta with parma ham at the timewhile reading about IBS).

O and a pulled muscle down the left hand side.

So there it is, IBS.

So after that long ranting on my question is, whose got IBS? what's the sympton like? and am I right in thinking wine does nothing but ease the symptoms (hopefully)?


02-06-09, 18:33
OFFSK...............i'm cracking up here AGAIN :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

Mate i have saw loads of posts on here with people suffering from IBS. Do a search but if you google once i swear i am going to go through you like a doze of salts so ner... :whistles:

I knew you weren't for the knackers yard quite yet but by god, you can fair tell one damn good story mate. (Must be the scots in you) :winks:

P.s Have you ever considered writing a book?? That's no joke by the way.



02-06-09, 18:35
Jaco mate

A load of us have IBS I am afraid and I have Crohn's with it so I get symptoms from both.

The bloating is the worst for me and the feeling pregnant all the time!

You can change your diet to help - have a read of the IBS page on the left and it will detail some foods that do/don't help.

They will tell you to cut down on smoking and alcohol as well as they can aggrevate things. I don't think you have to cut it out completely but just cut it down lol.

You are now an official member of the NMP IBS team :winks:

02-06-09, 18:40
Sorry but I cant stop laughing!the way you explained this is hilarious.Especially abt the receptionist lol.On a more serious note! I had a bad bout of this which lasted a year!WOW what a great one that was! I found wheat to be a major factor in the bloating and pain ,so it would be a good idea to eliminate this from your diet.On the main menu look at the IBS page theres some good info.Drinking in moderation is usualy ok but its trial and error as with a lot of foods.You can buy different bread from tesco now and eat an oat cereal instead of wheat.Lots of fruit and veg(not parsnip wine) lol.Some people get bouts of constipation and diarh,but others only get one or the other.The pain can be relieved by tabs eg.mebeverine,buscopan.these work on the muscles in the bowel and stop the spasms.Hope this helps you can pm me if you need to know anything else,Hope it clears up soon, its a rotten complaint, Thanks for making me laugh. Luv Sue:hugs:

02-06-09, 18:51
LMFAO, so some doc has finally proven you are not GOD, no more bread and wine for you,

on a serious note Im glad your ok, well as ok as you can be with IBS,

Take Care

Emms xxxxx

02-06-09, 19:21
You are so funny Jaco, especially for an anxiety sufferer.

Yer, doctors receptionists are all like that! They have to go on a course in learning how to frown all day & say things like "sorry, there are no appointments until next year":shades:

Gonna have to change ya diet & stop the ol wine I'm afraid:weep:


02-06-09, 19:52
Jaco........you are a tonic, the best medicine is laughter.....Thank you:D

If one thing is gonna start off my IBS it's breakfast cereal:huh:

Trish x

02-06-09, 20:25
Thanks for making me smile and laugh Jaco - brilliant writing! hope you feel much better soon!


02-06-09, 20:47
Yep jaco,

I suffer with this too, and have done for a long time now and sadly so does my poor daughter, i have to watch things that i eat, if you need any info feel free to pm me hun.

I howled after reading that, you're doc visits are just as funny as your dentists ones.

di xx

12-07-09, 18:11
lol jaco that was so funny but good that you went to the docs . i also have ibs its . and why are doctors receptionist so moody and in some way medicaly trained why we bother seeing the doctor i dont know :shrug:
hope you are feeling better and no longer in any pain

its all good
12-07-09, 21:58
Jaco u always crack me up u mad ed lol. Sorry to hear ur poorly sick mate, but am sure u will be back on top form in no time, tc :hugs:, kayliegh x