View Full Version : Im producing milk again

02-06-09, 18:40
I breast fed both of my boys aged now 10 and 8 years old, my youngest i fed for 12 months, I first took citalopram over 2 years ago and after taking it for a few months I started to lactate I had MRI scan as thought i might have a pituritary tumour but all test came back showing nothing the lactating stopped, I restarted citalopram a few months ago I was restarted on the citalopram and I have now started producing milk again, I can not find it documented any where that this is a side effect has anyone else suffered from this.

02-06-09, 18:43
I think this can be expected on several ssri's

03-06-09, 12:51
Thankyou, Ive just reviewed the BNF and it states side effects to SSRIs galactorrhoea but the mims does not ( i usually use the mims) shall use both from now on, would heve been nice for my GP to have advised me that this was a side effect, after all the test he put me through came back negative, he never even mentioned that this could be the cause of it.