View Full Version : Painful fingers and toes along with some pins and needles

02-06-09, 19:17
I am currently freaking out about some sensations I have been having in my fingers and toes. I get recurring but not constant pain deep inside my index fingers and several of my toes. I also get pins and needles in my feet. Occasionally I get a burning sensation down the back of my legs and into my feet. This has been going on for months. I have been battling HA for years but this is new and really scary. All the horrible neuro diseases come to mind and I am trying really hard not to google. I do exercise a few times a week. Generally speaking, my back is usually stiff but no sharp pains. I have generally attributed this to being tense. I hope it is something to do with my back but I can’t help but worry about all the terrible diseases and heart disease. Could this really be just anxiety? Someone please talk to me and give me some hope. I am in a really bad place right now.

02-06-09, 20:34
Hello J2,

I quite often get tingling, pins and needles and even numbness especially in my extremities - have even had this happen on the tip of my nose and my lip too! I've had anxiety for many years and never experienced these symptoms before about 5 years ago - I hadn't realised at the time that they were classic anxiety-related symptoms!:blush: I also have a trapped nerve and found that my left arm and leg would go "extra" numb - of course, I thought I was having a stroke or a heart attack!! I should have realised that spending hours sitting at the computer or even spending time digging the garden aggravated this trapped nerve!

I'm sure you'll find that a lot of us anxiety-sufferers experience similar symptoms to yours. Maybe try a search on this site -NOT GOOGLE - for numbness, tingling, pins and needles - you'll find lots of posts about it.

Take care,


02-06-09, 20:44

Do you ever get pain besides the pins and needles? Especially pain in very specific areas like the tip of a finger but not the rest of the hand? I am just beside myself with anxiety right now and I am resisting the urge to call my doctor since I am sure he will dismiss it as anxiety, which of course it probably is but my mind is screaming MS or ALS or stroke. Thanks in advance.


02-06-09, 20:53
Hello again J2,

Well, I get all sorts of weird and wonderful pains:blush: I do get a burning sensation inside the back of my leg at times, also in my neck and stabbing pains which can happen anywhere. I also sometimes feel like the inside of my feet are tingling, if that makes any sense. I do get good old arthritis and often used to put it down to that, but I'm pretty sure it's all anxiety-related.

If it really is worrying you though, maybe it will put your mind at rest if you saw your doctor? I know we tend to fear the worst but your symptoms really do sound like they're anxiety-related.

Hope this helps,
