View Full Version : Can it get any worse?

01-09-05, 21:21
Well i missed my blood test last week, i cant even make it to the shop which is round the corner let alone the doctors, i was supposed to be having a blood test before the doctor trys me on more meds because i had a rare side effect to seroxat, it caused bruises on my arms but they have gone now so i'm not worried about any long term damage from the seroxat. Does it get easier in time because i seem to be getting worse, my hands start to shake and my heart feels like its going to jump out my chest everytime someone rings my door bell, god knows why, why does my body thing i'm in danger just because someone's rang my door bell, it's flaming stupid. I want to get better and get back to my old self but at the moment i can't see the light at the end of the tunnel i think i'll be like this forever.

01-09-05, 21:41

It does get easier but you have to be kind to yourself and work at these things.

I once dragged myself to the docs practically crawling there but I had to do it go get help.

Read this .........

I remember one specific incident that I will never forget. I had to go to the doctors and the car was still being repaired after the accident, so I had to walk. I was a bit apprehensive but desperate to see the doctor so off I went. I got half way there and I suddenly had an overwhelming sense of panic and fear. I just wanted to get back home and safe. I was literally frozen on the spot and didn't know whether to go home or to the doctors for help. I managed to find a wall and drag myself along it to a phone box and called my partner. I begged him to leave work and come and get me (I am sure his boss wasn't too impressed) but he did and by the time he got there I was a shaking wreck. He took me on to the doctors but I have never felt so scared of being alone and outside since then.

If you really have to do something then you can find the strength to do it - believe me.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

Kristi Pipkin
01-09-05, 21:49
Hi Paul

Try not to be angry at yourself for feeling like you do, the more you feel negatively towards this the harder it will seem.

Have you had a good look at this website cause there are loads of really great sections on how to think more positively and things you can say to yourself when things get tricky. I have my three power statements which I say everyday and as it says, you don't have to believe them at first, but that will come in time! Sometimes I have bad days regardless but it's good to have something else to focus on.

This is the best site that I have been on for panic and anxiety and everyone here knows how it feels so help, advise and hugs are always on hand. Keep your chin up matey :)

01-09-05, 22:12
**my hands start to shake and my heart feels like its going to jump out my chest everytime someone rings my door bell, god knows why, why does my body thing i'm in danger just because someone's rang my door bell, it's flaming stupid.**

Your system is on red alert and what you're experiencing is normal for where you are right now.

There is no 'stupid' in anxiety or panic nor any 'shoulds' or 'musts' .. This is where yoiu are right now so you try to accept it and improve things gently day to day for now.

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

02-09-05, 09:26
Hi Paul,
What youre experiencing are all normal anxiety symptoms, but it does get easier i promise. I used to think i would never see an end to it all, but i began to see the light at the end of the tunnel and i am almost out of the other end of it now, its not an easy journey, its one that takes a hell of a lot of hard work and positive thinking, but it is so worth it in the long run. You will get there.
Take care
Trac xxx

its "just a thought"

Sue K with 5
03-09-05, 00:52

Anxiety is hell, but things can and do get better, set backs are quite normal but you can get through this and as trac said it rquires hard work and positive thinking

good luck hun

sue with 5


03-09-05, 17:59
Hi Paul,

I'm Sorry your feeling so bad right now.

Things can get better. It takes time, small steps, reassuring yourself, POSITIVE thinking and at times i'm JFDI approach! and the light at the end of the tunnel will become nearer and brighter to you!

Good Luck,

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X