View Full Version : Completely freaked out!

02-06-09, 19:24
I'd been having recurring upper abdominal pain since mid-February. I had x-rays, which were normal, and an ultrasound, which was normal. Blood work was all okay except for apparently prediabetes or early Type 2 diabetes (worrisome enough!). Then I had a CT scan, and I got the results yesterday:weep: The report indicated that I have some sort of "nodule" close to my pericardium and that because it couldn't be seen clearly enough I need to have a chest CT. The report also indicated "thickening" of the wall of my stomach and recommended an endoscopy. I'm terrified that this means I have lymphoma or stomach cancer! I have lost weight (20 lbs in 2 months) but I haven't been eating much or often (and especially as I changed my diet due to the diabetes thing and started exercising). I don't have other signs of lymphoma (fevers, night sweats, enlarged lymph nodes in areas they can be felt) and I don't have other signs of stomach cancer (vomiting or blood in stool or vomit). But I'm still really scared! My health anxiety was actually getting better after seeing a counsellor and I fully expected the CT to be normal - so getting this report has totally sent me into the deep end. Help!

02-06-09, 19:44
I would recon that the change in your diet has caused your weight loss as you don't have any other symptoms.

It is very easy to go to the worst case scenario when we suffer from HA but try not to let the axiety take over and please discuss your concers with your gp.

I really hope things improve for you soon
Take care

02-06-09, 20:54
I will pray for you. It might be just an ulcer or something. It can be a million things. Please, try not to worry and keep us informed.

02-06-09, 23:24
REmember the CT can only say what it sees not any diagnosis - I have just posted on the mri thread about scan showing what turn out to be harmless abnormalitlies so they always have to recommend further testing as in a chest Ct to check on the nodule and an endoscopy to check that the thinkening isn't anything but at this stage these things could all be harmless but they have to check further.
I am going through same thing with my brain mri showing cysts that may or may not be harmless and waiting to hear if I need further tsts via neurosurgeon.
The next lot of tests will determine if you should worry, in the meantime :hugs: I know how you feel.