View Full Version : coming off meds

02-06-09, 19:31
hi ive been to see my gp today who thinks im ready to come off my meds which ive only been on 7/8weeks, im on fluoxitine 20 mg a day, im still feeling sick all day so he thinks its the tablets, he said ive made a good recovery all be not fully recovered yet, im unsure of what to do about coming off them completeley and at once instead of weaning off them. please help!!!!!!!!!!!:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

02-06-09, 20:04
Hi Lynn

I wa on seroxat fo 12 weeks but I was getting really bad side effects, head zaps and other things so my Doctor told me to come straight off them. She did give me sertraline to start the day after. I akse dher about coming straight of seroxat and she said I would not get any side effects as I have not been on them long enough. Its my second week on sertraline and I am still getting side effects but I am not sure if its the old or new meds. I think its safe to come off them if you are getting side effects but I am not a doctor.

Let me know how you feel. What do you suffer from?


02-06-09, 20:25
Hi Lynn

The gp didn't tell you what to do? After telling you to come off them? I despair at most doctors.

Go back & ask him how much you should stop per day. I don't think you should stop them all at once. I know you've only been on them for 7/8 weeks, but coming down slowly would be better.

Do you feel better in yourself? Do you feel that you want to come off them? I know most doctors think they are God , but you do have some say in this. If you don't feel well enough tell him.


02-06-09, 20:29
Hi Lynn I took Fluoxetine 20mg on and off for about 10 years. In my experience it's far better to wean yourself off them gradually than to stop taking them immediately. I went from taking one every day to one every other day, for two weeks then to one every third day, to every fourth day until I stopped competely after a month. You can also get 10mg which you can take every day instead of the 20mg every second day.

02-06-09, 22:30
im not sure about coming off them, i am feeling sick all day so he thinks it could be meds, ive got so much happening soon and i dont want to be ill again

03-06-09, 07:25
Sounds like you might need to stay on your medication for a while longer. Are you sure that your feeling sick all day is due to the drug and not maybe to anxiety. I haven't met anyone who had this reaction to Fluoxetine but that doesn't mean that it can't happen. I have however felt sick for long periods of time due to anxiety and not to any medication.

03-06-09, 20:04
went back to docs today and he only wants me off them for a week to see if its the meds or my anx thats making me feel sick, he just didnt explain properly, if its the meds he will change them, if its my anx dont know what he will do, has anyone been off them a short while and experienced any problems?