View Full Version : nearly fainted.

02-06-09, 20:54
basically i have been visiting my gf in hospital 12 hours a day.i have ben feling unwell and suffer from anxiety.but a year after being told i have it something has changed,i keep falling over.mainly when im stood still,its really scaring me,is it possible to keep feeling faint from anxiety? i seem to be breathing quiet fine:huh: any answers apreciated :blush:

03-06-09, 22:40
ive just been shopping with my gf, the light, the people, the noise, the standing and waiting, beening aware of whats going on inside me all togther really affects me.

I have to lean agains the counter or a clothes rail to keep me up otherwise im all over the place. But funnily, if its me who is shopping, and concentrating on what im doing, im much better.

I do hate halogen or fllourescent lights though, they dont help the headaches and add to the dizziness.

Hospitals are bad places for me, the lights and the general atmosphere gets to me, again unless its me there being seen.

I would get your ears checked (and sinuses) to make sure but, im the same although luckily i havent quite hit the floor yet.

Good luck with it and hope your gf is well - that must be adding extra strain on you, although for a worthy cause im sure.