View Full Version : weird irrational thoughts

02-06-09, 21:33
I've been having bouts of anxiety again. And I get the weirdest thoughts. Like earlier its like I couldn't feel my face or head just my eyes were there. Then I'm thinking what if I forget how to walk, talk, hear atc how my doing it then I totally freek out. I'm trying to deal with this thought cauese if I sleep it off its the first thing I think of when I wake up, and I'm back in work tomorrow.
Do you sometimes feel weird in your own body and worry about things tha happen on their own.
Any advice would be grateful I've been good for over a month no pa little anxiety

03-06-09, 15:19
No one is it just me.

03-06-09, 15:50
No one is it just me.

Absotutely not just you!!

I get this too, the wierdness is directed where ever my ideas go if you know what i mean. Like when it happens, i will kind of get an idea or notion like - i wont remember how to breath - or something like that , could be walk even and then my mind goes kind of obsessive compulsive and wont let the idea lie and it stays there tormenting me unless i break the cycle and distract myself . Now i know its not anything to worry about and a sign of stress or hormonal upheaval for me. I just ignore it and say to myself ' is a stupid compulsion and not real' and i rememer i am not mental too, and neither are you dear!! just stressed!


03-06-09, 16:54
its not just you

i get this quite often. my mouth is the thing that feels wrong most of the time. Like ive forgotton how to swallow, or that its swollen and my cheeks are sticking out. I always find that its worse when im hot or when the air is stale. maybe try going outside and getting some fresh air when it comes on.

Katy20 x

03-06-09, 17:35
Thanks guys I have been able to brush it off lately and I also get the breathing and the mouth issues. Just left night and today I honestly think I'm loseing it. I can't get my words out half of the time and can't remember wat I'm doing and getting stressed about it.

03-06-09, 17:42
Thanks guys I have been able to brush it off lately and I also get the breathing and the mouth issues. Just left night and today I honestly think I'm loseing it. I can't get my words out half of the time and can't remember wat I'm doing and getting stressed about it.