View Full Version : Pressure around head-not really headache?

03-06-09, 00:36

I'm new and looking for some help. About a month ago, I started noticing a strange feeling in my neck. I felt like it was a little swollen, not a sore throat. I went to the doctor. He checked my lymph nodes and looked at my throat and ears and said everything looked good. He said it was probably some inflamation and if it didn't go away in a couple of weeks, he would order an MRI. Not long after that, I started feeling like there was pressure around my head and ears. It's not what I call a headache, but pressure, kind of feels the way it does when you wear glasses for a while. Now, I have a tender place on the back of my head. The pressure in my head seems to go away after I've had a good nights sleep, but after I wake up, the pressure gets worse as the day goes on. It's about to drive me crazy. What could be causing this? I know I really need to call the doctor. I just keep putting it off. Thanks for any help.


05-06-09, 21:20
Hi, this sounds very much like a tension headache which can be caused by prolonged periods of stress, worry, anxiety, depression, lack of sleep, over-excitement, grinding your teeth, clenching your jaw, squinting (if short-sighted or looking at a computer screen all day).

I find that only ibuprofen works against tension headaches. Try them if you are ok to take them. Relaxation and stress management are the only real armour you have against tension headaches.