View Full Version : Lower back pains, Flat stool..

03-06-09, 02:23
Hello all! here I am again.

I had 2 fantastic days, I really felt cured for the past 2 days!I did not worry one but about anything I felt, but for some reason its just returned...I've been having flat stools for the past 2 days, and back pains aswell, not all to extreme, but bad enough to be anoying, Sometimes it seems that even my bum is hurting!

at first I was, just some normal back pains and Diarrea, nothing to worry about...I just ignored it...but since toniht all of the sudden it seemed that toughts just entered my head...Oh my diarrea and back pains...thats bad news! "What if I got cancer...what if I got cancer that has already spread out to other parts and is causing those stomach pains get get every now and then!" my mind started to wander, and before I knew it...I just had to come back and ask for more reassurance

atleast I can say I got a taste of a "Normal" life again, its asif someone threw a dog a bone and then quickly takes it away again...

03-06-09, 15:57
Hello all! here I am again.

I had 2 fantastic days, I really felt cured for the past 2 days!I did not worry one but about anything I felt, but for some reason its just returned...I've been having flat stools for the past 2 days, and back pains aswell, not all to extreme, but bad enough to be anoying, Sometimes it seems that even my bum is hurting!

at first I was, just some normal back pains and Diarrea, nothing to worry about...I just ignored it...but since toniht all of the sudden it seemed that toughts just entered my head...Oh my diarrea and back pains...thats bad news! "What if I got cancer...what if I got cancer that has already spread out to other parts and is causing those stomach pains get get every now and then!" my mind started to wander, and before I knew it...I just had to come back and ask for more reassurance

atleast I can say I got a taste of a "Normal" life again, its asif someone threw a dog a bone and then quickly takes it away again...

I sooo know where your coming from the thing is its not your symtpoms that are changing as such its the way you feel about them. This happens to me regularly and trips me up every time, its a nightmare to say the least.

But your description of the prob sounds idential to IBS for sure, especially the pain thing. Sorry i didnt check if you are male or female but i know froma female perspective it feels much like period pain and from a male perspective - my friends who is male has IBS and he says its like a prostate pain?!

Cant comment on the latter but sounds purely IBS no worries!! Its your perception and feeling of the problem that is changing, but you probably know that !!

