View Full Version : Bit of a bad day

Kristi Pipkin
01-09-05, 21:28

Just wanted to get this off my chest. Have had a bit of a bad day today, started off with a bit of a dicky tum (have IBS) and I immediately start to associate this with panic (seem to do this everytime), driving to work, got sort of lost in my own thoughts (bad idea!) and started thinking the same old things, am I here, is this real bla bla bla - got through the day ok, but feling really tired and me and my boyfriend decide to go to the pub for a meal and some chill out time.

Just as the food comes, off goes the ol' tum again and immediately I go into a panic, not feeling with it, a little bit woozy and what should have been a nice relaxing evening ended up with him bolting down his food (I couldn't eat) and getting home as quickly as possible. I now feel bad cause I feel I have let him down and my head is in a whirl.

I have been doing so well this week but now I have the old thoughts going on in my head and I am battling to keep calm.

Sorry to go on, just wanted to let it all out!!


01-09-05, 22:09
Hi Kristi

Just wanted to say I know how you feel. I have IBS too and its horrible when your out and you get it. It totally ruins the evening and I spend half the time in the toilet feeling dreadful.

I also suffer with anxiety and often feel light headed, and like I am walking around but not here (if that makes any sense!)

Dont feel like you have let your bf down. You havnt. I am sure he understands.

Do you take anything for your panic?

A x

01-09-05, 22:15

You need to try to keep the two sets of symptoms separate and not see panic everytime you get an IBS symptom. Its harder the other way round ...


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

Kristi Pipkin
01-09-05, 22:21
Hi Mandie

I think my problems is, is that I associate the two cause my panic attacks involve feeling sick.

My doctor has prescribed betablockers which I have been taking for about 3 months, they seem to be working to a certain extent.

I completely know what you mean, cause I feel just that - then I start to think all sorts of thinks, like I am going stark raving mad, which completely freaks me out!

He completely understands, he has been on hand with all the big hugs!


Sue K with 5
02-09-05, 02:00
your story reminded me of the time I went to a restaurant with my husband and he ordered all this chinese food and I started to feel panicky, I made him eat the whole damn lot in five mins pay the bill and I ran like a ****** shot out of the restaurant, the poor sod had indigestion all night.

I know its not funny, but sometimes seeing the funny side of it helps with the guilt.

Image of man eating chinese and running out of the restaurant brings up all sorts of images.

Dont worry I am sure he was fine about it and if he loves you he will understand

Take care

sue with 5


02-09-05, 09:42
Hi Kristi,
I used to suffer with IBS a lot and whenever i got an attack, that would be it, anxiety and panic would hit big time. Then i did as Meg has suggested learned to realise that the two were seperate issues, and then when the IBS struck again, the panics never.
You sound as if you have a wonderful, supportive and very understanding boyfriend, and im sure he doesnt feel you have let him down at all.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

Kristi Pipkin
03-09-05, 09:46
thanks guys for your support - really helps