View Full Version : Can't shake this feeling of doom!!!

03-06-09, 10:26
Despite being told I have IBS, I can't help thinking that something has been overlooked.

I have on and off abdominal pain, sometimes loose stools, gas, bloating, rectal pain and low back pain/coccyx pain. I don't have any bleeding or mucus. I have had good blood tests and an abdominal/pelvic ultrasound which ruled out anything in upper GI or gynae problems. As soon as the doctor said that the ultrasound would not show anything in the bowel, I have fixated on bowel cancer. I feel sure I have it even though I only have a few symptoms. The worst by far is the feeling that I haven't finished a BM all the time. Is this an IBS symptom?

I also have a large Bartholin's cyst which is being sorted out next Monday. It is likely that this is causing the coccyx and lower back pain.

I don't know what to do. Do I go back to the doctor again?

I just want to have a normal life!!!

03-06-09, 11:10
[quote=Jo3016;509691] The worst by far is the feeling that I haven't finished a BM all the time. Is this an IBS symptom?[quote]

This is a very typical IBS symptom and one that I suffer with. In fact I suffer from all of the symptoms you have listed, it took me 6 months to finally accept that I do have IBS and nothing else.

I am sure that you are fine and your symptoms don't read like bowel cancer anyways!

Take care hun,


03-06-09, 13:24
Thanks Mondie. What tests did your doctor order to reach your diagnosis of IBS? I had blood tests and an abdominal/pelvic ultrasound because I have been getting under rib pain and belching/wind too.

I had a colonoscopy 3 years ago which was clear and my doctor doesn't seem to think I need another one!!

03-06-09, 13:27
hi jo ive got ibs and i spend nearly all my life on the toilet at the mo , i think more stressed we get the worse it gets unfortunatly, if dr doesnt think any need for more tests id try to believe them i know its hard though


03-06-09, 13:37
I had blood tests done and because I had my gallbladder out 6 months previous to my diagnosis of IBS I didn't have any more scans as I had MRI, CT and ultrasound. I haven't had my bowels checked as such I just had to trust my doctor which is why it took me 6 months to accept the IBS diagnosis!!

03-06-09, 13:43
Thanks. I think that is why I am finding it difficult. Three years ago, a colonoscopy proved to me that there was nothing wrong. I just need to try and accept my doctor's diagnosis this time.

03-06-09, 13:47
It is difficult, but very liberating when you can!!