View Full Version : Need some rationality about my ears!

03-06-09, 11:05
My ears have been strange for about 6 weeks now, the right one especially feels like it is blocked and preasurised (like when you're on a plane) and I can pop them but the right one crackles afterwards. Also if I bend over or do anything strenueous then they make a wooshing noise. It also hurts (pressure pain) behind ears going now the sides of my neck.

I went to the doctor and she said that my eardrums looked dull and were probably full of mucus, that was 2 weeks ago and they haven't got any better.

I've had headaches, eye pain and my sinuses have been sore, but I am not full of cold and don't have a runny nose ar anything. I have tried steaming my face, taking congestion tablets and nothing seems to be working.

I'm worried (of course I am, I have HA!) that it is because of a tumour or something nasty. My rational head says it's probably a problem with my sinuses, but how can I shift my block ears??

Please someone talk rationally to me, as my irrational HA self is starting to win the competition in my head!

03-06-09, 11:17
i think u should possibly go back to ur dr to check ur ears again, i have a feelin with my left ear but i have a lot of tension in my face from anixety so i have put it down to that and i try to ignore it x x :blush:

03-06-09, 12:18
Hi :)

I have had ear problems for many years...and I get something similar to you. I hear noises in my ears all the time..that whooshing sound can be so loud. I also get a lot of pain in my ear, around my ear and down the side of my ear running down my neck. I have an inner ear dysfunction which can cause bad dizzy spells as well.. so I do take tablets..the main problem is that my ears collect a lot of fluid and the fluid doesnot drain away as it should.
Im not sure you have the same as myself but my daughter also suffers from something similar to you which also involves her sinus. She suffers bad headaches, sinus pain and ear problems. She too was told she has problems draining the excess fluid that we all produce. She got a spray from the doc but it does flare up every now and then.
Go back to your doc and get it checked out again....it is more than likely some ear / sinus issue that needs medication for. Also be patient..our ears are very sensitive and can take time to be sorted...I had sinusistis once and it took 6 weeks to sort.
I DO know how you feel...I suffer from HA very much..and I hate it...

Love and hugs to you

03-06-09, 13:48

I have had lots of problems with my ears over the last few years including blocked ears, tinnitus and dizziness as a result. This time last year, it flared up for two or three months due to having hayfever and also flying on holiday. My sinuses were bad too. Do you have hayfever?

I also suffer from TMJ which can cause problems with the ears.

Hope you are feeling better soon x

03-06-09, 14:01
What is TMJ?


03-06-09, 14:14
TMJ is Temporomandibular joint disorder. This is the main hinge joint of the jaw. Sufferers complain of clicking/popping on opening and closing the mouth, pain and stiffness. As it is in such close proximity to the ears, eyes and sinuses, it can cause problems here too such as stuffy ears, tinnitus, blurred vision, feeling of blocked sinuses etc.

Sometimes, you may not even realise you have TMJ as it does not always result in pain in the jaw but can be referred elsewhere. Your dentist will be able to diagnose it as he will be able to see if you grind your teeth and clench your jaw during sleep. It is very common amongst people who have stress and anxiety.

03-06-09, 14:23
That's really interesting as I do clench my jaw A LOT. Might go to the dentist and see what they say.

Thanks, really appreciate the info.
