View Full Version : please help

03-06-09, 13:38
Oh please can someone help me to calm down ive done it again ive googled and i can contrll the fear than i am feeling.

I am chronicaly worried about HIV and keep doubting my five tests that have all been negative becuase i cant beleive that my symptoms arent acused by it. I knew that the tests are really good and then i read about different strains and think now that that is why.

Well i have noticed over a while that i get these little red spots sometimes in the sole of my feet and they were much worse when i was pregant last year. Well they started to appear on the backs of my hands when i was pregnant too and not they come and go with my periods.

Well i read that they were something to do with being pregnant so i didnt worry but them recently i stared to get upset about them again becuase i worry about HIV so much.

So i googled and cant beleive that i have reas that it could be Steven johnstones syndrome and that occurs with HIV i am so shocked i feel so sick

can someone please help me i cant handle the anxiety i am feeling im so very scared and dont know what to do

Im so sorry for asking but i cant controll the frightening thought that i am having, can anyone tell me if they have ever had these spots


03-06-09, 14:39
hi hunny, i have not had these myself, but i no my best mate did when she was pregnant. They were on her hands, chest and feet. the midwife said it was hormonal and would disapear. They did get worse before they got better, when she had her son they did go. She occasionally gets them from time to time now. She is pregnant again now, and no sign of the spots yet! although her feet are swelling up!! please dont worry hunny, u have not got hiv, it would have shown up on the tests.....please start believing them. i know i havent been much help, but u was the only one who replyed to me when i put my last post up, so i thought this bit of info may help xxxxx

03-06-09, 14:48
hi hunny, i have not had these myself, but i no my best mate did when she was pregnant. They were on her hands, chest and feet. the midwife said it was hormonal and would disapear. They did get worse before they got better, when she had her son they did go. She occasionally gets them from time to time now. She is pregnant again now, and no sign of the spots yet! although her feet are swelling up!! please dont worry hunny, u have not got hiv, it would have shown up on the tests.....please start believing them. i know i havent been much help, but u was the only one who replyed to me when i put my last post up, so i thought this bit of info may help xxxxx

On helen you have soooooooo helped me, i am sorry your friend had them but also so so so so so glad thank you so muchfor replying to me and telling me that


03-06-09, 18:29
Lisa....STOP GOOGLING!!! You are putting your symptoms into the computer and then ONLY looking for HIV. You are not reading anything other than what your scared of. STOP HONEY. Remember what I posted about STRESS and HIV symptoms? That is what is going on! You are creating a cycle...here it is:

Step 1: you get symptoms b/c u have hormone stuff going on or you see symptoms within your family and then u google

Step 2: you see your worst fear b/c that is what your looking for and good old anxiety enters the picture

Step 3: anxiety causes your body to produce cortisol and then your sympotms get worse and you google all over again causing more stress and more hormone inbalance and more googling......STOP IT!

You DO NOT HAVE HIV. You are seeing it b/c ur looking for it. It is kinda like women who want babies only see pregnant women. Let us think logically here:

1. you have had not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, but 6 neg. test (5 test plus a baby)
2. even if you had sex with someone who WAS HIV+, the chances of you getting it are slim. Think about the studies of couples where over 10 years, they did not pass the disease on to their partner. It is possible, but the chances are less that 1%...your chances of winning the lottery are higher than that!
3. u know that your fellow was not HIV+ so it does not matter if there were 1,000 new strains, he did not have any of them...so NEITHER DO YOU!

Lisa, you are not HIV+. Please take a deep breath and stay off of google! Here is a nice link for you to play on today:


Hugs honey....relax and remember the more you do this to yourself...the more the symptoms will be there. Go back and reread that email I sent you last week about HIV/AIDS phobia and the symtoms that it can cause...remember the plocebo affect and how strong your mind is. Try to convince yourself of something different today ok.
