View Full Version : white flashes in top of left eye -what could it be???

03-06-09, 14:06
Hi. I had a retinal detachment in my left eye many years ago (1994) and over the last six months or so I have been seeing flashes of light in that eye when I move eye suddenly, cough and when I get up in the night from lying down. I have had my eye looked at by opthalmologist who say no sign of retina detaching again. The flashes come and go a bit but are worse at the moment. I am also 32 weeks pregnant at the moment. Opthalmologist doesn't seem that worried and says probably just vitreous tugging on retina round where scarring is but I am worried as not getting better and can't understand why has suddenly started so long after retinal detachment. Also am always terrified about MS and am scared this is some symptom of optic neuritis which has been missed. Can anyone help??? Thanks :ohmy:

03-06-09, 15:35
Quite honestly, katbe, I don't think anyone here can tell you what it could be. After a diagnosis of retinal detachment, how can anyone diagnose you further here with new symptoms? Did you ask the ophthalmologist the same question, why he thinks it's starting at this point? Did you mention optic neuritis to him? I am sometimes embarrassed to ask my doctor about the things I've googled but it eases my mind (they're used to this since computers!).

03-06-09, 17:29
Hi Katbe,
Just a thought, I was getting very similar when pregnant with my son 28 years ago. I was told it was migraine even though I wasnt gettinig a head ache. It had something to do with the raging hormones. Now after two more pregnancies and a bit of hormonal trouble they only happen now and again. This might not have anything to do with your problem but it might be worth mentioning it to your midwife.
Take care and good luck with your baby.
Carol xx

04-06-09, 23:15
I've had those flashes (like really bright light flashing kind of at the side of the eye, almost like flash photography or silver paper flashing or something!), and it's to do with the vitreous and the membrane lining. I can't remember the exact explanation I was given, but it's quite common and not at all dangerous, and doesn't mean your sight is going or anything like that.

Mine went on for quite a few months and it was quite distracting, especially in the dark, but eventually it went. It's nothing to worry about.