View Full Version : does exercise ease health anxiety

03-06-09, 14:56
hi,i have been suffering for about 3 years with health anxiety, fear of heart attack, linked back to my dad passed away when i was 15, wandering if anyone has relieved this type of health anxiety with exercise, i dont expect miracles, just some feedback, many thanks, damo

03-06-09, 15:09
Exercise eases ANY type of anxiety. It releases endorphins, the "feel good" chemicals in our body. It also gives us a sense of empowerment and makes us realize that we have strength and health rather than looking at our body as a frail thing subject to disease.

The problem with some of us with health anxiety is that we're so attuned to every change in our bodies that we can get frightened by the increased heart rate and sweating while exercising as well as the pain afterwards from increased muscle use. The best thing is to realize that this is to be expected and not get alarmed. Just use moderation at the beginning until your body becomes accustomed to it.

03-06-09, 15:10
Hi, if im gonna be completely honest it does help a little...uses up some of the excess adrenaline us anxious people have!!! I suffer bad panic attacks and HA but when i exercise it reduces the number of attacks i have. But also, in my case anyway in times of bad anxety it can spark off my heath anxiety a little e.g. pulled muscle = DVT, exertion headache = brain tumor! :doh: But overall im sure id probably find something to worry about even if i wasnt exercising, i think it helps quite a bit overall :)

It will help with the heart worries (i have a heart problem)...you do notice an improvement in high heart rate, my resting pulse is now 70bpm down from 90 before i exercised which does reduce the amount of time i spend worrying about my heart x

04-06-09, 19:20
I run and find it helps me believe that I am healthy, because if I can run 4 miles in 85 degree weather, what can be wrong with me? And I definitely believe it releases chemicals into your brain that help with anxiety and depression. I always feel better when I exercise, and get through my day better.

04-06-09, 19:37
yes, it does help me. There was a time when my HA was so bad that I tried to exercise each day, and if I went for a few days w/o it, I would start feeling bad and shakey and my HA PAs would return. So, yes, for me it really does help. Good luck!

04-06-09, 21:14
i find exercise does help i used to go swiming 3 to 4 days a week but i must have pulled a muscle in the center of my chest and it used to hurt i then started to think i had heart props so iv not been for a month or more but i do miss it i used to feel great afterwoods alive and with it

eternally optimistic
05-06-09, 14:49
yeah, definitely does help.

I walk, any sort of distance gives me a sense of empowerment and achievement. It releases any tensions and generally makes me far far better.