View Full Version : this is mad - please help!!

03-06-09, 16:44
For the past 3 months ive had constipation plus some diahorrea - probably ibs, but for the last 2 weeks ive had pain in my left side, ive now convinced myself that i have diviculitis due to all the straining, i feel so panicked.
i have managed to sort constipation by eating more fibre, but feel that ive damaged myself.
Have gp aptment tomorrow, but i know i wont be able to say this- is it possibel in a couple of months to have done this.
Sorry i know this is weird, but i can't think clearly and am freaking out!!!
Please advise...

03-06-09, 17:11

Sounds like another IBS symptom to me. I get that on and off and its definately linked to IBS. Think there intestine and things that relate to IBS and lower digecstion all over your lower tummy and a whole manner of odd pains and twinges can happen, dont worry your fine, too many people have this for it to be anything big!


03-06-09, 17:34
pb, if you had diverticulitis, in 2 weeks time, you would probably know it, you would have symptoms of infection and ongoing pain. I have IBS and although I get pains in every part of my tummy, the left side is most common. You mention that you won't be able to tell the doctor this...you have to tell him everything without being embarrassed. I don't know your age but he may want to do a colonoscopy (not a big deal at all, you're sedated and know nothing). Also, if you're not sure it's your bowels, have a gyn checkup if it's lower abdominal pain. I am not saying this to scare you but I once thought I had a stomach ache and when the dr. did an internal exam, my cervix was so sore (you can check this yourself to be reassured) that I hit the ceiling and it was a tubal infection. When you press the painful part of your stomach, does it hurt more when you press it or release it suddenly?

03-06-09, 20:52
pain in left side seems to have got much worse this evening , feels like its in my hip - feel scared.

05-06-09, 07:48
Had gp aptment yesterday , she said she thought i might have diverculitis because of bleeding , but then examined me and said that i had fissures that had caused the blood.
Not sure if i have ibs or diverculitis - have to have colonscopy , have had this before - the result was normal but this was quite a few years ago.PLEASE ADVISE - PANICKY...

05-06-09, 08:02
Hey PB

Try not to panic firstly (easier said then done I know!). That is positive about the diverculitis, and at least you are some way closer to finding out whats making you feel uncomfortable.

If it was diverculitis, then you would be on antibiotics to clear it up, but like the doc said she thinks its fissures causing the bleeding.

Please try not to worry.
