View Full Version : Hello everyone!

03-06-09, 16:51
Hello there... my name's Kally and I've just registered... I suffer from a mixture of things... anxiety disorder with chronic depression and agoraphobia... I get severe panic attacks and have developed a phobia of faeces, specifically that I'm gonna soil myself when out...
I've just been prescribed propranolol; I have been taking fluoxetin for years now (60mg a day) and depakote (minimum dose) for the last 4 months. The phobias do not go however and that's why my psychiatrist thought we should try propranolol. I haven't started yet I always get very panicky when I'm about to start a new medication...
Thanks for having me,

03-06-09, 17:11
Hi Kally,
Welcome to nmp, Ive only been here a couple of months and Ive found it very informative and in chat theres always someone on hand to offer support and advice.
I too suffer agoraphobia and have the ocassional panic attack, in here Im not alone and it helps to know theres others like me,
Take care, hope to see you in chat.
Carol x:yahoo:

03-06-09, 17:54
Hey Carol!!

Thank you :) It's good to be here... one of the worst things about phobias is you feel completely alone and isolated in it...


03-06-09, 18:06
:yahoo:Hi Kally its my first day today to i have been suffering 6 years with all sorts of depression panic attacks and agoraphobia but I'm doing great at the moment took me 6 years but making progress
I have a saying when I have a good day I shout at the top of my voice
IT'S A GOOD DAY TODAY try it it works
nice to talk to you
juliebear out

03-06-09, 18:32
Hi Kally and Julie bear:welcome:
Juliebear welcome to nmp, hope you find this site as informative and helpful as I have and like I said to Kally hope to see you in chat.
Take care,
Carol xx:yahoo:

03-06-09, 20:47
hi i have been in this site 5 days now and i also have aniety,depression and some phobia also i wish you the best.