View Full Version : Binge drinking and citalopram!

03-06-09, 18:25
Hi all! Havent been on this in a few weeks as I was doing great! on 30mg citalopram and working well. So well that at a party friday night I decided to completely go against everything I have learnt about citalopram! I had one drink, then another, then another - and then quite a few more! Anyway that was friday, today is wednesday and I have had anxiety since the dreaded morning after - Saturday. although today is a bit better than yesterday. The anxiety still looms in the background and tries to swallow me up every so often! I am literally having to remain present to pull myself out of it. The reason I went back on this medication last January (my second time on it) was because of a huge drinking episode which gave me a hangover that would not leave. I am annoyed at myself now and cannot understand why I went and drank alcohol at this family party. I feel stupid. Will it get better???????????????:blush:

Lion King
03-06-09, 19:34
Hi Ash,

I had a similar episode, I felt well for a week and decided to have a drink every night on holiday for 4 nights straight. I felt ok but on the last day on the morning I started with shakiness so i decided to stop drinking for a while but felt no better. It took upto 5 days before I started feeling better, I found it really discouraging after all the work I had put into conquering the anx, but eventually it got easier with time its just crap when you can't get back into enjoying yourself fully. I now drink in moderation and this doesn't the anx too heavily.

Hope your better soon

Lion King

03-06-09, 19:39
I was exaclty the same. Bank Holiday Sunday just gone i had a session as i haven#t drunk for sooooo long and i didn't start to feel right until Friday just gone, the anx came back with a vengeance. My bro has been on Cital too for years and he is always bad after a drink but he knows he is going to be now and understands that it is just anx and nothing more. I wish i could tell myself that though

03-06-09, 21:18
Thanks Lion King and Sarlou. I guess its cos I hadnt drank a drop of alcohol in almost 5 months. I know I should never drink on them as it really has never done me any favours. It messes up the citalopram and stops it from working and then it has to rebuild itself and do all the work again. I guess I am just looking for reassurance as if there is one thing I have learned its that this site offers great help from other anxiety/depression sufferers like myself. Well from the both of you I have seen that it took 5 days. I am now on my 5th day and today was okay but I had moments that lasted up to 10 minutes a time of a low and anxious feeling - eek! I hate it. Should have known better than to touch the poison. Chemical overload or what!!! I just want to wake up in the morning and be like I was last week and for the last 5 months. Relaxed and content!

16-06-13, 21:06
Just joined today, got diagnosed with depression after not being able to cope with stress at work started citalopram reluctantly a month ago when i went off work as a last resort of trying to get control back over my life. The meds have worked well after 2 weeks making every day tasks easier and i can get up in mornings and do things productive which i couldn't before. Last night i drank wine quite heavily (stupid on these meds i know) and reacted how i haven't to alcohol before vomiting and real low mood, feel like its put me back to square one at rock bottom even though felt i was getting better before. Iv read it takes 5 days to get meds working again sound umbearable being at the 1st stage again does it actualy get better or is it a constant step forward 10 back? My career is is in the balance i have a demanding job and can only be off realy for so long im scared to death im never going to get the top side of this. Any advice or experience shared is very much appreciated im at rock bottom and my whole life is realy in the balance carreer, relationship with my partner etc. Help!!! :wacko:

17-06-13, 09:50
Hi Purple 19,

In a way I'm not really in a position to comment as I still need the meds to stop me falling to bits at work, but whenever I've had a drink on Citalopram it has only taken a day or two to get back to my normal self again, and I get those low moods you talk about, too.

Bear in mind you are only two weeks in to the tablets: they will be working more and more effectively and consistently as time goes on so that you can take a step back and really look at life and consider what actually is the cause o all this anx.

As far as your partner goes, you are making every effort to get better and this is a time when you need them to be strong for you. It will be a testing time for both of you but right now, you need their support and understanding.

I have been a bit of a head case on and off over the last year or so and my other half has been legendary - don't know what I'd do without him.

Really good luck with it all,

Danny xxx

17-06-13, 13:25
Careful! Citalopram can heighten certain addictive behavior, particularly in the starting stages. You have to act responsibly and ensure that you are in the clearest mind as you go down the path with this med. A little drink now and then is one thing, but the med can trigger all manner of addictive behavior if you're not careful. Be sure to disclose what you're feeling to your doc and a therapist.