View Full Version : ecstasy misuse, alcohol cause anxiety!

03-06-09, 18:40
in my 20s used a lot of ecstasy and alcohol, my ocd problems really started in my 30s, when i stopped both of these, also thinking i took these to mask my problems, i would not recommend anyone taking ecstasy as i think this has increased my problems in life, any opinions welcome, damo

04-06-09, 15:36
I used to smoke weed as a student and once tried coke (it calmed me down whilst everyone else around me was hyped up... I have mild ADD!) The weed didn't tend to impact on my mental health, I had one year of using it fairly regularly (quite a few years ago) and that was during a period of good mental health (not that I'm suggesting it - or any smoking, you never know the effects on the individual... and pumping your body full of toxins is never a good idea!)

I have never tried ecstasy or any other drug as I was concerned about the impact it would have. If I got out of control or it caused me to get paranoid and/or suicidal and I could do something life threatening (That has been an excellent line over the years to get out of peer pressure situations as no one can still push you once you've said something like that!)

As for alcohol - until my last breakdown I actually used to stop drinking when my depression got worse. I didn't want to touch the stuff. However last time (but I was being bullied at the same time) I started drinking every evening. More alcohol, more regularly. As soon as citolopram started kicking in though I got out of that very quickly.