View Full Version : having really bad anxiety

03-06-09, 20:43
hello i am having really really bad HA for the past 7 months or so but the last few days have been 10 times worse especially today i think it is because i have been having on going problems with my mouth and teeth and i went in last week for a deep root cleaning for a gum infection it is like a regular cleaning just way more intense i had to be sedated for it well anyways they told me having this done should clear everything up well it didnt and know im scared my gums still hurt and for some reason my chin feels weird its tingling and is soar and i noticed this morning that a cap i have on one of my teeth has a black circle around the gum line ..no idea what that is i called the dentist and cant get in until friday im so worried and just wanna relax and be able to cope with it like a person without anxiety would but i cant im thinking the worst and am very frightened and dont know what to do so i came to the only place where people can relate can anyone please give me some advice i could really use it...thanks

03-06-09, 21:22
i know exactly how you feel, miserable. try to stay as busy as you can, start a new project, get a new book, get out of the house. before you know it your next dentist appt. will have come and gone and you will be just fine.

03-06-09, 21:29
i know exactly how you feel, miserable. try to stay as busy as you can, start a new project, get a new book, get out of the house. before you know it your next dentist appt. will have come and gone and you will be just fine.

thanks i know its just hard when you feel like crap ...i try staying busy its just i dont have the energy to do normal things anymore having fun and being normal is so much work these days and obsessing over crazy bad things comes so easy its messed up but i appreciate the advice i just need to relax and think happy thoughts .....thanks:)